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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. Indeed there was wild I can say animal-like sometimes and passion but there was no affection between these two D&S two "lonely" persons that found each other -- sex and bit of affection is not recipe for good relations or as others says here LOVE BTW, as I see Sasha most favorite sex act is BJ
  2. The three regular residents are home Jewel for a change wearing a dress Update: She change to her regular uniform
  3. A guest girl came in (about an hour ago) now all the four went out
  4. Dick is back I don't see Jane Jewel back earlier Update: Jane is also back
  5. Don't forget the incident when Masha and Dick went out almost all night long and Jane and Sasha did nothing and they was very upset about it BTW, your perfect Jewel still awake she is taking a bath now
  6. Night comes Jane and Dick is asleep and …….. Jewel ……
  7. Do you know what will cure this allergic? Invitation from Jane or Dick
  8. Some times you are right and some times not (as everyone here) let wait and see 😉
  9. seems that you shot right to the point 3ed night without "playing" she fall asleep on the bed full dressed lights on maybe she was waiting for invitation but none came
  10. I don't know what's going on with Jewel she stay at bed all day long (I didn't saw her get up to eat or even piss maybe someone else saw her I am not here all day) Jane came and sat/laid beside her for a while and she still in bed (she went to bed about 22 hours ago) could be that she is sick
  11. Why you should pay she doing it for free only for these that not pay
  12. Why just because she masturbating right in your face?
  13. Indeed Jewel used take a bath in the dark but not trying to hide herself that one tried as much as she could
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