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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. I think that Dick is not kind of guy that he will forced himself on a girl
  2. There iss an old Japanese movie I don't remember the name (won the Oscar) about 9 people telling about the same event and any one tell different story
  3. Think about that the girl wants him but not as trio
  4. To believe it I have to see it with my own eyes
  5. After the ice was broken can we expect for less shushu actions?
  6. If we declare on competition between Dick and Sasha (not about the long) the score so far is 4:4 correct me if I wrong
  7. I didn't saw them go to the other room but now I saw them out of the room she to the bathroom and he to the BR the signs tells me that they have sex
  8. I am curious what happened tonight at the BR the guest (not V) spent the night in the bed with the trio M S D
  9. I am sure that he didn't meant that she will hurt them in purpose but she was not stable so it could be by accident
  10. I asked about the guest off Masha if she is safe I think she is with the trio in bed any one can give a short report ?
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