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Everything posted by leszek

  1. Я решил что не буду это делать боьше. И не буду. Извините.
  2. It's true. It's my own decision. Относительно того что сеичас происходит хочу обратить Ваше внимание на то что вчера Каmila несколько раз вела длинные разговоры по телефону с каким то мужчинои.Главная часть розговора происходила на балконе. Однако в тои части которая происходила в living room было слышно что когда она говорит о Kristy то не называет ее имя только говорит о неи - девочка. До сих пор такое случалось только когда Kamila paзговоривала со своим парнем. Поэтому я предпологаю что это может быть и он сам а уж наверно никто из Barcelona где у них с Kristy совместные знакомые. И ещо одно. Последнеи ночю Kamila ложилась спать около полуночи. Проснулась после ок. 45 мин. сна после чего плакала и смотрела в свои телефон. Потом на протечении ок. 1.5 часа усердно что то писала. К концу этого на ее лице началась появлятся улыбка. Может быть причина плача Kamila не в ее отношенях с Kristy. Посмотрим что будет дальше. Сегодня утром происходит интересныи рвзговор между Kamila Kristy. Все хорошо слышно. Может быть кто нибудь сможет перевести то что я написал на англиискии. Буду благодарен.
  3. Не знаю для чего была создана эта секця. Об этом надо смпросить euromike69. Вы смотрели эту часть или только отслушали? По моему там нет никого смомненя. Поэтому я не считаю что ввел кого нибудь в заблуждение и не понимаю о каких скандалах Вы пишете. Я не написал что там был секс. Ответ „нормально” (единственное слово которое слышно хорошо) об этом не свидетельствует.
  4. Действитепьно так непосредственно сформулированного вопроса о сексе с фотографом не было. Но по моему Кристи тоже движением тела достоточно точно дала понять что ее интересуетю. Поэтому я хотел написать на англииском ее вопрос в инои форме чем Вы написали (how the sex was). На руском языке вопрос Кристи должен звучать так: - В области секса что ниьудь случилось? Догадываюсь что в моем переводе на англиискии это звучит иначе. Тем самым подтверждаетса мнение что чтобы переводить на какои то язык прежде всего надо очень хорошо знать тот язык на которыи переводиш. Я тоже согсен с Вами, что без достаточно хорошего соответствующего оборудованиа почти невозможно слушать разговоры в RLC и понимать их с достаточнои достоверностъю. Поэтому, считаю что лучше будет если я прекращу свои переводы.Слишком много ошибок получаетса.Хотя мне кажется что основнои сюжет можно определить.
  5. Ones another. Kamila's boyfriend from Moskow still send messages to her. Kristy said that he really loves Kamila's.
  6. Information from today. Kamila said, that of previous night slept from 6.00 a.m to 12 a.m. Earlier, if I well understood the photographer did naked photographs for her. When she woke up he offered her breakfast consisting of fruits and the rice. if I well I understood Kamila implay Krista's also that she has distaste after sex. Today girls meet Sasha. Probably with Saha and his company Kamila was yesterday on the trip. Girls are also invited to the restaurant by the man which they are called "Paliashka". In the restaurant will be also other "Paliashka's" friends. Earlier "Paliashka" sent to Kamila message that he likes Kamila and hopes that she for his also. Kamila didn't answer this message.
  7. Unfortunately today I can only a little add to what was already written. This part of the conversation about which Snaky wrote was when Nora was in the living room. Girls talked about that as they spent the day. They were on trips. Kamila with some friends. I don't know who it is. None name didn't exchange. She went rock climbing. She talked about the fact that he had a fear of open spaces. She also said about some men. She didn't say his name. Krista was on the trip with somebody who is probably an employer for her. She talked about it, that he is an actor and a film director. I think that with them was somebody else. Probably woman. I don't know what is kind of her work. It isn't sex. At least at the this moment. The second part of the conversation was when Nora left the livingroom. She concerned the meeting with the photographer. I understood only that when Kristy asked how the matter of the sex looked, Kamila answered "нормально" all right. Later they spoke the whisper. I could understand only o few words. About this part of the conversation again and Snaky not yet wrote nothing. I hope that they understood more. Snaky wrote, that the photographer is a Russian and he came back to Moscow. I meant it, that one from his parents or grandfathers are of Russian nationality. He isn't speaking well in Russian. I think that Kamila isn't talking to him Russian. About his return to Moscow I wrote nothing. I wrote only he is leaving Barcelona. Perhaps Snaky heard it from Kamila.
  8. Incident with condoms I understood differently. They sat down on the walk somewhere. Sergio seated Kamila on himself and after a couple minutes he had wet trousers. They were dressed. And later nothing heppend. Most probably I am wrong.
  9. I remember that Milana said to Coco of the last day she would come back here in two months.
  10. I remember that Milana said to Coco of the last day he would come back here in two months.
  11. I want to supplement my relation. Earlier I thought that it is unimportant . After reading your text I decided to write abaut it . Kamila talked Krista yesterday: The photographer told me about the sex with black women. He asked if J new what black women differ from whites with. Kamila was surprised. Did she ask, why it was telling me? Perhaps the meeting with the photographer was more surprising for her than she expected.
  12. My question is the same as yesterday. Why Kamila Did it?
  13. Last part of ralation. Corrected. The other fragment is regarding the her boyfriend in Moscow. Kamila said, that when she had left Moscow he asked for when she intends to come back to Russia. Kamila said she didn't know. Then he asked whether she still felt something towards him. Kamila didn't answer explicitly. Thats all for today morning. As we can see Kamila is preparing to the long stay in Barcelona. She doesn't want to come back to Russia. I hope that this text is better then previous.
  14. Continuation of the relation. I will be writing in short sentences. For the translator it should be simpler. Kamila met on the beach with the person about which I wrote earlier. I think that it is some well-known photographer which of the previous evening arrived from Moscow (11 p.m.). He comes from Russia. Girls probably went to the airport in order to meet with him last evvening (night). Perhaps it is the same photographer with which they wanted to meet about 2 weeks earlier . Then he didn't find the time for them. Kamila said that he travels often. He became interested in only Kamila. Of Krista complained for this reason. She said she also had a pretty ass. The photographer did photographs for Kamila on the beach. Of the following day he will leave Barcelona and he wuld like to meet Kamila about 3 a.m. to say goodbye to her. Earlier he had some other meeting. I didn't hear the hour of his departure. Probably 2 or 3 p.m. We will see what time Kamila will come back. She asked Krista whether Kamila intended to go to bed with him. Kamila answered that he didn't intend to sleep with every guy. Kamila didn't meet from Sergio that day!!!. Later the conversation was continiue at downstairs. Girls still walked between the living room and the kitchen. Apart from that the Internet interrupted me. J can write about two important fragments of the conversation. Kamila talked about the conversation with the woman about renting a room in Barcelona. The woman asked whether for a few days or for a long time. Kamila answered, that for a long time. The other fragment is regarding the her boyfriend in Moscow. Kamila said, that when she had left Moscow he asked for when she intends to come back to Russia. Kamila said he didn't know. Then he asked whether she still felt something towards him. Kamila didn't answer explicitly. Thats all for today morning. As we can see Kamila is preparing to the long stay in Barcelona. He doesn't want to come back to Russia. I hope that this text is better then previous.
  15. I know about it, but text is too long to write it letter by the letter. I don't have a touch screen. Perhaps I will try tomorrow.
  16. Unfortunately I don't have a Russian keyboard. I am translating the text with the help of the translator. Sorry.
  17. Today in the morning Kamila repeatedly rushed during the dream and said something through the dream. so far it never happened. Something had to firmly churn her up the day before. I also noticed that for the yesterday afternoon girls were very serious.
  18. In the supplement to my post I want to return the attention, that of Krista in conversations with Kamila with word \ "your\" or perhaps better \ "yours\" so far described only one person.
  19. When Kamila entered to kitchen Krista's said: - We will go to the beach and from there you will go to your. Kamila answered: - I am going to the beach and he will come to me. I have my speculations to this subject connected also with their yesterday's night outing, however they aren't backed up with no conversation heard out. Nora's answer to a question didn't manage for me to hear each other so where are leaving I won't be speculating.
  20. The fact that she held condoms is talking only about the fact that she took such a possibility into consideration. I of course am not specializing in the psyche of girls, but I don't understand why the girl would like to go to bed with the boy in such a not very romantic atmosphere, how it results from telling her. All the more so because she should he was to inform oneself that Sergio isn't a boy for her. Unless Kamila isn't saying Krista of the truth.
  21. The fact that she held johnnies is talking only about the fact that she took such a possibility into consideration. I of course am not specializing in the psyche of girls, but I don't understand why the girl would like to go to bed with the boy in such a not very romantic atmosphere, how it results from telling her. All the more so because she should to inform oneself that Sergio isn't a boy for her. Unless Kamila isn't saying Krista of the truth.
  22. Perhaps (probably) you are right. Only weren't these are for her own condoms. She took because gave her Krista.
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