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Everything posted by sat11

  1. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    its apto him, i would have missed as so many times before if it was not for the pic im thankful for that so i dont expect but i hope someone chooses to share
  2. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    so anita is back again i see a lot of luggage in the harvey B pics
  3. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i really dont get that girl, she tease a lot but no much action
  4. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    well i try to switch to the kitchen cam now i lost it all black with buffering
  5. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i guess they should have made anita a guest a long time ago
  6. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    not that good but this is what i got from LR free cam .http://sendvid.com/5qwkv0y4 this should work
  7. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    THANK YOU HarveyB much appreciated
  8. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    for me its like a lottery it happens like the other day as soon as they start the screen went black just circle, now i am afraid to change cam in case it does not load again. am on free so i guess i cant complain. its a shame the the wrong people are in the LM. does anita joined the others? i saw her she was naked so i assume she is in the bedroom with the other two
  9. there is going to be boring time and exiting time, we just have to be patient and enjoy it what ever there, i notice one thing tho they all seem to be active the same .
  10. you the only one always positive, i skip most comments here but i always enjoy your comments. keep it up
  11. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i dont see any pic,are they on here?
  12. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    well another one i missed tanks VV, i missed both girls in this apt.
  13. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    one day something happens this is what i get to see
  14. for people here its personal they dont like kenny, it does not matter what he does they will find negative to say about him and when he is gone they will pick on some one else, i understand people complain about like TULa apartment but here the last maybe 20 pages maybe more is kenny or mia the same thing again and again. as long as these people do not hide or have sex under blanket i dont have any problame about them having sex the light off thats why the cams have night vision. i read people say give the new couple kenny and mia room what make them think once they get their room they wont turn just like every one else now they could only have sex when P&E are out that means day time. so far i saw them have sex 2 times the different b/n those two sessions is the flower on bed how long before people get bored of them and start to complain and saying they should leave ?not long
  15. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    when she is happy she is like a kitten playful , rely fun to watch, it just lately she seems happy less and less
  16. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    may be she told them whats what and they decided to leave by the end of the week rather than suffering this unreasonable demand to show some activity in front of cams, after all they sexually tortured not one but two guys in one weekend not only that they eat sleep play on the phone for hours in front of cam to entertain, what more can they do they are giving it all,
  17. yes you are right they deserve praise for the good thing they do and i do and i have a big hope for them thats why i am here, how ever i was talking about timeline the reason is most of if not all apartments are run by not them but by the tenants or managers that means if a new cam installed or fixed its done by the managers or by the participant thats why i did not complained abot apartment or cam ever since VH said that is upto the tenants ot their managers, that makes VH a platform for those people to broadcast just like periscope or you tube they provide the website not the apartment not even the cams so any improvement that side of things i give credit to the people and any improvement on the web site which timeline and transmission (with out buffering or lagging). to VH coming to your point time line is constantly improved so far only two changes like i said are stopped the spinning and added graphs a lot of updates on the future plans which is good but just saying them does not make it really going to happen which is leaving apartment which has nothing to do with them so that leaves only time line including archive. in general they have one thing to work on that is the web site and for that 3 month is a long time. by the way VV might not know how to run their site but they rent the apartments the web cams and actually find the tenants them selves (they might not be the good ones) but if you are happy with the time line now im happy for you. but i want them improved much more and betetr than what they are now
  18. for 3 month they promise a lot yes there is some improvement but the amount of time its taking the result is very very little which is stopped fast scrolling and added graph did i forget any thing else. telling them how great they are just to please them is not helpful for us or for them to gain significant improvement and make this site great as it should be. some times not saying is better than breaking promise.
  19. yes tanks for another timeline promises,another soon and working behind the seen takes alot of time. with out result its just a BIG BS.
  20. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    earlier before he came over the new girl talk to him on the phone then they got dressed then when he got there all they did was like always they do when there is a guy in the house they start playing with each other i imagine that is to turn the guy on so they could torture him nicely then they all went the bed room to make the guy think he is getting luck with both but no that is not going to happen so he goes to LR the new girl goes there they stare kissing and touching before it goes any further she stops him then he gives up and try to sleep she start again so she stop again i think one point he even suggested doing it under blanket she wouldn't so he gave up and went to sleep. that was the best teen movie i have seen, wait that was not a movie and they are grown people. what a bore!!! the guy yesterday i think he was going to say for the weekend he had a bag. he saw did not like their attitude and left, he is smarter than he looked.
  21. this is almost as good as the light on i wish all the night vision cams were as good as this. just think of them gray people from gray planet or some thing like that
  22. i guess they were waiting for the right cam and angle i hope its not once a week thing tho. too many people means little time to be alone.
  23. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    today girls night, the new girl seems fun she is getting fun out of those two
  24. if she is moving in in the bedroom she better be emma's lover, other wise the other two will never have sex.
  25. even in the bed room the cam angle create a lot of blind spot
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