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Posts posted by sat11

  1. 9 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Anna is not so dumb. I think she clearly knows about it.

    all i am saying is that there were no yelling arguing or any thing like that just anna sad and the others acting cold toward her,we all assume its because alex and carmen it might be just a coincidence .

  2. do we know for sure anna is upset because alex fucked carmen or something else?i know there is something wrong b/n the girls but she did not confront carmen, so she might not even know they had sex, we are just guessing. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

    It looks like Alex and Anna are officially done if he sleeps in Voro and won't even go to Tula, but Nick has also slept in Tula even in the same bed as with Anita and everything seems to be fine between them so it's anybody's guess. But I find it just as interesting that Anita and Carmen are at Tver hanging out with Zoe and Lex. You would think that if it was their last days here in VV they would be spending it with Alex.

    the night is still young, they still might,  for them day means night they sleep day time and awake at night

  4. what append to alex? he left with nick this morning has not come back yet.the new girl has not gone to the kitchen yet may be anna knows and she is avoiding anna

  5. 20 minutes ago, BenCoudon said:

    Impossible to cover every angle in an apartment.  If they want to hide, they will find a place.  And sex under the blanket remains the most popular way to hide

    ofcource it is woud you happy if they take out all the cams except one in the bed room i think not, the hallway is part of the house so there should be one you cant say they cant use the hallway to have sex just because vv did not put a cam there, the only fault of them is trying to hide purposefully. 

  6. i dont think nobody is kicked out, they must have chosen to leave, its not VV has any one or better to replace them, beside they dont seem that much upset to me.

  7. 1 minute ago, canito said:

    i think anita got kicked out by anna and the new girl and anita got real close that carmen said if anita go i go to.

    i dont think the new girl is leaving 

  8. 1 minute ago, miscvoyeur said:

    But it was new girl that was doing most of the hiding with Alex. 

    we have seen more of anita than the new girl, i mean she is sexy did not do much except the occasional masturbation 

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