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Posts posted by sat11

  1. i think she is done now as soon as she got on her close she got very cold, he is standing in LR doesn't know what to do.

    i guess he decided to go to sleep and she goes to report to the others after every round .

  2. yes that is true she is all over him but you know some people more free flirting but when it comes to actual sex they become more conservative and shy, but in this case she might not act shy but its his first night, still my fingers crossed both hand. lol

  3. Nelly is all over this new guy. I have feeling these two are going to have amazing sex later. The only question is where they will do it.

    hi miscvoyeur, if it ware a vote, i vote for the sofa, the light on, top of the cover and with out a third party involved just nelly and the guy.

    :scratchchin: may be that too much to ask i guess.

  4. hi every one, i was hoping vv might be changed and yet still it is the same people except christy been gone and this new guy in voro  nothing has changed.

    ivo and sonya  doing the same thing (hoping they would be gone by now)

    petra, i found her a turn off and ruin sex (i wanted to see nelly having sex but not with petra that was disappointing to say the least) she was ok when she was organizing others to be sexual to get them out of their shell but now she just fuck every one who comes to the apartment.

    i guess vv has a good reason for keeping them, they are like the relative of the the boss nobody want them and useless but thy are there.

    may be the owner is a Russian billionaire who pays some people to manage it and forgot about it and the people who ran it don't care about profit or loss they as long as they get their wages.

  5. hi every one, i poped in to see if any thing is happening and well i see now tver is turned to a camsoda apartment, and christy is back just in time to be an online cam star  :wtf:

    to be honest i am glad i stopped wasting my time on this crap and  :BS:  to think i used to spend a couple of hours avery evening thinking vv was something it was not  :idk:. i feel like suing them for wasted time if only i knew a retired lawyer :scratchchin: lol.

    i wish you all great time, i might pop in again some time if i am bored and nothing to do.

  6. i think the bra girl prepared the sofa bed for akira in voro, i guess he did not know about it, he could have had taken one of the girls there instead he stayed in tver doing nothing  ::). missed opportunity or just gave up trying to stay at VV. still i am not sure if he is staying or leaving :idk:

  7. i dont think its shyness, there must be some thing she embarrassed about her boobs like one might be bigger than the other or scare or a bad boob job..., she does not have a problem taking off her nickers, usually girls would be shy about the reverse they take off their bra and keep their panties.

  8. that is rely good mr1010, i wish i could, most people start second career when they retire by putting out best seller.

    yes akira has been hiding all evening, by the way all Russian girls are bi or they dont consider girl on girl  sex as real sex, they seem more physical contact than the guys.

    the dark hair girl does not seem that shy today, as soon as she got here she changed to more revealing top, rubes petras inner thigh and boob and now she is allover the dark hair guy






  9. hi mr 1010 i know its horrible to be stack in the house  :bang head: but you know what they say" when god gives you snow you make a snow man and have fun" ,  ok they dant say that. but my point is find some thing positive about it and do  some thing you normally you would not do . :woohoo:

  10. 3 girls 1 guy in both apartments?! well these girls better start making out, otherwise its just the same as akira and the new girl (first girl) noting, ok they at least get along but how long before thy start staring at their phone or laptop. may be one of them end up in petras room, which one??

  11. if it was 80s tv show it goes like this: this is a story of a family, mom and dad with two grown kids and a busybody neighbor  who pops in  too often.

    dad spend his time in steady (bed room) mom does needle work the two kid do their things. i think its a drama or maybe a comedy except you cant hear the studio audience laughing so maybe its a documentary .


  12. VV is a sexy voyeur site and not a camsite. I dont like the direction this appartement goes to. If tenants want to cam all day they should leave  :bang head: :bang head:

    some tenant have jobs out side the apartment to make money and stay out all day, at least this people are working from  home and you get to watch them. after all this is part of this people life, think it as a bonus .

  13. well that a bit sad, even tho she did nothing most of us took a pick at tver was because of her to see if she was doing something with petra or playing with ivo like making armature porn. yes ivo and sonya do their best to have sex but its just a repeat show, it might have been exiting in the beginning but after ten or more times it just not the same, nothing new  :(

    hopefully a new person might revive the interest in tver.

    maybe the reason thy removed the tweet might be akiras name was put on it by mistake and hoping nobody saw it . :doh:

  14. i bet if they bring new people it will be a couple for senders room and if christy is coming back she will go to petras room. it sound different yet its the same.

    akira seems to have sex every time there is going to be a change so he might stay. sender should move in with petra instead of leaving. nikky left a long time ago its her body is still there.

  15. And I bet even with her ignoring them, they're still going to continue to pester her.

    some one was asking for ivo to say hi hi to them, i find it weird and stupid keep asking her about vv or other members of vv, that is her private show, if she ignoring those questions people should get the hint and stop keep asking and enjoy her show or go watch vv.  :idk: ::)

    personally i dont care for her show.

  16. MrBox this post i agree with you, they seem to go one way too much or the other way too mach they lost the balance,they have not quite got it wright yet, i dont think they will for a while either.

  17. i understand that i want to watch real sex not porn, however these gusts they stayed over a week around christmas and weekend after that all thy did(do) is drink, eat and play cards that what i dont understand, may be that is too much of real life , i want to see real people having real sex not all the time until i get bored of them but at least 2 or 3 times a week and the rest of the time do some thing fun play unorganized sexy games, watch them happy not be bored to be there.like you said this is their job, i dont know any one wanting to pay to watch a bunch of people sit around and play cards for hours do you?

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