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Posts posted by sat11

  1. Can't really see but is Nataly sleeping on the sofa?

    yes, akira is sick, the have been together 3 days and nothing, may be the universe trying to tell them they are not a right match.

    the new guy is not back yet

  2. let me do one more guess here, maybe the reason  akira left before and they moved him here now  is  he had a fall out with petra . i haven't seen him talk to her when he and charlie came to visit and since he's back he only talk with sonia and ivo, also the reason she is not here and staying by herself at tver, after all she is the mother hen.

  3. sat 11 not sure but it look like i can not send you PM

    tanks cassy i got one, just got back, is it solved then? or may be we just call them natasha and the new girl for now for now. is the most exiting thing about natasha i got so far  figuring out her name.

  4. It is still to early. Somehow this make sense to me almost perfectly. Because we don't know who is Greg . Someone who nataly knows?

    It is just my opinion. And i will be more happy if i see Greg with Nataly http://camcaps.net/index.php?topic=7710.msg196525#msg196525

    cassy aparently nately is the new girl we assumed natasha is nataly because of the other site, like spielo said nikky is natasha and nataly is the new girl that's why the new guy is sleeping in old akira's room.

  5. Calm down, there is only one mistake: Natasha and Akira have changed the room this morning after the leaving of J&G. And id not inform VV, that´s all.

    So, Natasha alias Natalia has now got the official name Nikky and is currently absent.

    That´s my point of view.

    so nataly is the new girl? ok that makes much beter sence

  6. Ok a few questions:

    Who is that sleeping in the old room of Christy? Is Natasha gone, or did they change her name to Nikki? And why is Akira lying in the bed of the other room?

    well i thought till now natasha is nataly and with the new guy and kikky is the new girl and she is with akira but now i dont know, i'm lost.

  7. Now hold on for a moment. Where is akira now? Did he miss bedroom??? I did see moving some of his things in other bedroom. But only now i'm aware he's sleeping in wrong bedroom!!! Correct???

    i dont see him may be he was making space for the new girl and packed natalys things?? i think he has gone to bed.

    well ivo is here to check his old budy's new toy, do you think he will approve?

  8. lets give her a week to get comfortable with the cameras, or they might have Christmas party soon if not new year party, normal people need that first step to let loose. you never know she might be a wild one, its always the quite ones. look nataly she looks wild and yet nothing so far.

  9. "she remind me of nastya except this one a bit taller and skinnier. "

    Me too, except for the fact that she is different in just about every way......................................sorry.

    thanks :lmao:

  10. First impresion is very good. i think this is quite  normal girl. She is working girl. this is what i got till now . i'm listening.  :) :) :)

    Im almost 100% sure you will not see a lot of sex with this girl. oooo ok to early to say that :) :) :) :) :) :) it's only 15 min inside voro

    when it comes to sex i wont be that much disappointed, thanks to J&G and netasha my expectation is very low in this apartment  :(

  11. I will definitely miss Natasha more if she left though. I agree slightly with people saying she comes off a bit immature, but at least she's fun at parties and is down to have a lot of fun, like when she blew Akira in the living room and her fooling around with Petra on the table. Plus the the fact that I think she has the best body out of everybody there.

    to be honest ppl here are unusually nice to her, ppl complained about other tenants who did a lot more than her. in almost two weeks you can only think of two times which is not even half entertaining, she sacked akira a littel and the sex part no body saw oh and withe petra the best you can say about it is they kissed rub their tits.

    nice body that she got but the only time you see it is in the shower or changing cloth entertainer she is not ,so they should take her with them when they leave, but i doubt it. she just unpacked her things a couple of days a go.

  12. They are like little kids now, throwing a pillow around and laughing hysterically. Good! Great bonding exercise.

    they do get playful every time someone new in the apartment  for a couple of days then they start ignore each other and spend their time in theier bed rooms , they were like that with christy in the beginning and every time some one visit from tver

  13. i thought christy would stay away until the holiday it seems she is back, where is going to sleep i wonder, in tver ? in voro ?on the sofa ?or akira on the sofa?

    there is a bed sheet on the sofa, someone is sleeping on the sofa

  14. knowing you have to have sex with that person makes it a bit awkward, when you fancy someone  you work hard to get to that point but if you already know it take the challenge out of it, all you think about is your performance later.

    she is not charlie, charlie treat him like a master she did all the work while he was playing with his phone, this one might get pissed if he does not show interest while she is trying to have sex.

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