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Everything posted by me0369

  1. Here's the thing guys, Radi is who she is. We are just observers and I for one have no medical training, maybe some of you do. Am I concerned about her behavior? The answer would be yes, but because she reads this forum, I try to stay on the positive side with my opinions. You have the right to post what you want on this open forum, but I would ask everyone to think about what you write here. If anyone has positive, helpful advice for her, I think she would read it and maybe take it into consideration. I think she's a great person and I really like seeing her online everyday. Hopefully she will work it out and be ok in the end, but it's really not up to us, it's her life. I do thank her for sharing it with us.
  2. Like someone else said, maybe covid restrictions keeping them there.
  3. Always drama develops when booze and drugs are involved
  4. I haven't been watching long, but it looks like their waiting to see if the blonde girl will fuck them.
  5. It is a kind of strange thing to add to a forum site. Now if RLC added a tip button to their site, maybe we could have some fun with it. Now that I think about it, we are getting close to April fool's days. js lol
  6. I've got to say Masha looks really good right now. I'm not sure what's going on with this guy. He really doesn't seem interested, like most young guys would be at this moment. Even with the cam's on.
  7. Maybe your font is too big to fit on page or something, I see her name.
  8. What a wonderful night double header, thank you so much dearest Radi. Love and kisses.
  9. That's funny because I have the exact opposite problem, I see things happening in the thumbnails that are yet to happen on the live stream. Probably has to do with what device we're using.
  10. video not loading, anyone else having trouble? edit: maybe on my end, seems slow
  11. I think Radi would look amazing with tan lines, hopefully she lays out in the sun this summer.
  12. I agree... no scarring that I can see and there proportioned fairly well to her body.
  13. I think she on a diet, if you google tomato diet it list some. For example: The dispenser says: edulcorantes which I believe is spanish for sweetner. Her diet is a bit odd but so is she and that's why we love her. Tomato Diet: Unsustainable Weight Loss Trend Alert! BETTERME.WORLD Are you a tomato person? Find out if you can lose weight effectively and without harming your health with this tomato diet.
  14. I think she might have a bit of cabin fever, being cooped up in that little room. I think she's training for something though.
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