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Everything posted by me0369

  1. She's "Breaking the forth wall" I know some are apposed to it, but I enjoy it immensely. It's a very powerful statement, in media as well as here. I hope she continues with it.
  2. I agree but what is the alternative, leave the project? Honestly, i'm too selfish to suggest that, I like watching her too much. Hopefully she sees what's going on and can avoid it.
  3. I'm glad Radi is getting out and mingling but I'm not sure it's for her, she seems to be hesitant around these other girls. She may be taking some time to get used to the atmosphere. On the other hand it's probably not a good thing to be stuck in that little room all day either. Hopefully she finds friends and a comfortable place in all this.
  4. Is it me or does Claires face look less pinched with Carlos away?
  5. Anyone catch what she was saying in English a few minutes ago?
  6. I think if they were alone and Claire was sober, things might have developed differently. Looks like their going to sleep now though.
  7. I think Claire was trying to but Radi got up and went out to smoke I think.
  8. She's smiling but I think it's a bit embarrassing for her, Claire is totally a predator for sure.
  9. Poor Radi looks very uncomfortable with Claire manhandling her under the sheets.
  10. I think she fell asleep, time to roll her over and draw a penis on her forehead. lawl
  11. I'm just guessing here, but I believe it's a legal issue. Location is a big one, Russia for example, all the houses in that country had to move. Also privacy, you have to make sure only participants are allowed on cam, no children for example. I think it's just too much trouble for what profit can be made. It is a shame I'd love to see more sites like this.
  12. I wonder if they're having Radi get to know the other houses to see if she would fit in better in one that's friendlier then the one she's in now.
  13. the only threesome I wouldn't mind seeing would with Radi, Martina and Nelly. Leave the dudes at home. lol
  14. I would stay away from camarads, unless it's changed lately, they use fake thumbs to make it seem like it's busy and once you pay and log on it's a ghost town. I sub to VHTV once in a while, but not lately so really not sure how they are now, but I'd say if your bored with RLC try VHTV I think they have a 7 day special $12.00, so you can try it out.
  15. Of coarse I like her teases but I watch her because she's quirky and different then the others and I mean that in a good way.
  16. I'm not really interested in the other two girls, Radi is the only one I follow at least in this house. If there was a vote, she would get mine.
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