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Everything posted by me0369

  1. Wish Smith would stop throwing the paper towels at her, here ya go wipe your self off. So disrespectful.
  2. I agree. I would only add that they should both be given the knowledge of our past mistakes so that neither will ever happen again.
  3. OMG the pheromones that are floating around in that room right now must be intoxicating.
  4. I have to admit, I have a huge foot fetish and I've always thought she has beautiful, well shaped feet. Like they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  5. You know how they say: Like a fine wine she just gets better and better with age. Amazing.
  6. I don't know if Leora reads this, but just in case she does, let me say thank you very much, that was wonderful. I hope it was as good for you as it seemed it was. You are awesome my dear.
  7. Are we sure Paul is out of the picture? If he isn't and maybe watches her stream then maybe discretion is advised.
  8. RLC could do as VHTV does and play replay videos. Hopefully they would mark them as such though so we don't get comments here about them. lol
  9. I would think so. As esanders9863 said. They are making revenue without actually being there. People are leaving the stream on and waiting for them. I'm guessing here but I believe RLC rewards participants for page views and probably a percentage of the replay revenue. It could be also that they leave it on because they are supporting Leora by generating revenue for her. My opinion and I have a hard time doing it myself, to be honest, would be to stop watching them until something changes. Not as a punishment but as incentive for more participation. I have no idea if it would matter, but I think it's worth a try.
  10. Let me start by saying Leora has always been my favorite participant, but lately it really doesn't seem like she's trying very hard. I think that's because she really doesn't have to. Her cameras are always at the top of the thumbnail list even if she's just sitting there. So if we all can restrain ourselves and stop watching her maybe her numbers will go down and she'll try a little harder to get them back. Just a thought.
  11. Skinny is ok by me. I have to say both Kitty and Piper are a welcome addition to RLC at least for me anyway.
  12. I've got to ask, has anyone ever seen Milena smile? I think she's the only person I've ever seen where the tips of her mouth actually point downward.☹️ Great body though, so no complaints, just wondering.
  13. I'm sorry man, google translate isn't doing your post much justice. It seems like your unhappy with what's being said here. Of course you have a right to your own opinion. I'm pretty sure it's falling on deaf ears though. I think we're all basically on the same page here. Your not going to change anyone's mind, why not find something better to do with your time. We like our "demonic system" just the way it is, thank you very much.
  14. I think Kitty is sexy and nice to look at but it doesn't seem like she real enjoys sex much. While Smith is in her she seems distant and uninterested. He really does nothing to try and make her interested. It's wham bam and off to sleep and Kitty is left unsatisfied. I guess that may be because she just doesn't like sex at all and he knows it, so why try or because he is such an ineffectual lover who doesn't really care, I don't know. It is a shame really, I think she could do better with a big life change.
  15. How many licks does it take to get to Malia's center? I don't know I'm a biter. lol
  16. This was for anything streaming not just RLC and VHTV. If you saw someone trip and fall on any stream and they were just laying there not moving you would really look the other way and just ignore it? Wow ok, well I want honesty so thank you for your response. And I don't think I've made a fool of myself, if you do so be it. Have a nice day.
  17. I, like most of this forums readers I would think, like to watch live streams. My question is: what would you do if you saw an emergency situation happen live? A suicide or an accident or maybe a home invasion and you feel the person or persons were in a life threatening situation. How would you respond? I ask this because it seems inevitable that it will happen eventually and would like to be prepared, especially now that we are all facing such trying times recently. So what would you do? call your local emergency number, contact the website directly, post it here. I really have no idea what to do, so I ask it here hoping somebody might know or perhaps we can work out an answer together. I would ask politely that responses are kept to a serious nature if possible. Thank you.
  18. Looking back at some of the older videos, I think her body is actually hotter then the last time they were online and I don't mean because she had a boob job. Never a good idea in my opinion, but at least they fit her body well. One of the better enhancements I've seen. She must be working out and firming her figure in a really good way. Just love watching her walk around the house in those tight little shorts. 😛
  19. I think people that are allergic to cat dander like the hairless cats because you can bath them and get rid of the dander.
  20. Smith scrounging for food again? Oh wait you meant the dog, lol.
  21. First band I saw live and an all time favorite. Note: I would have put Highway to hell here but it was from 1979 :)
  22. Famous one hit wonder and I'm pretty sure the first music video that I ever watched when MTV started broadcasting on my cable service.
  23. That's where oral sex comes in handy, suck her clit till she cums and then take as long as you want inside her.😛
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