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Everything posted by Fidster

  1. They seemed to manage a session last night (with the connecting doors shut) - with condom this time.
  2. Judging by all the backstabbing that's reported to have gone on, she's probably better off going out alone.
  3. Ok, so it's probably not the type of 'pussy' shots people are accustomed to, but...starting to feel a little odd/sad that the cam worth watching for the last 30 minutes is wondering if the cat will figure out how to get out of the bathroom..... (only posted pics in here as technically they're not Nelly and Bogdan caps)
  4. Looks like the cat didn't get an invite to tonight's party - closed away in the bathroom with the tap running, miaowing away at the door...
  5. Is that so? As there are no microphones on the cameras outside that could've picked up such conversation...?
  6. damnit man, even the Spanish Inquisition did not impose such tortuous tactics....a young female...away from her phone....for 30 MINUTES?!?! 🤣🤣
  7. It seemed more like the phone was being grabbed every 2-3 minutes to change the music track, rather than 'top cam' status.
  8. Ivan's moves are reportedly as quick as in Chaplin movies as well...cue the manic piano music...
  9. Exactly - a fun piss take it seems, for them and those of us who accept it as such and not see it as disappointing as walking straight into a brick wall with a hard on...
  10. Must be another party with gifts of some sorts then 🙂
  11. I think it's Linda's birthday today...Happy Birthday, if so 🙂
  12. I was thinking, if Megan was away long term if Elly would've moved in with Miro to make way for the new person, but if she's only gone for a week that might not happen.
  13. I think Miro would be quite sad if that were the case. Yes, she's CONSTANTLY on her phone (as if her life depended on it but that's 21st century young women for most parts, or maybe it's down to a needy BF - he seems to need some reassuring with a few things that go on in and out of the house, based on snippets of their phone conversations I've heard), but Megan and Miro seem to be really comfortable with each other, as good friends, a little flirty once the wine flows perhaps (which is a good tease (or bad tease depending on how your glass is filled) for us), but both seems quite supportive of each other - no running off and having little backstabbing gossips about the other to the other housemates. In a place where there is a lot of 'fakery' purported to be going on, at least their friendship seemed genuine and without any subscriber hidden agendas
  14. Well, I guess if they can fit 28 people in a Mini.....anything is possible!
  15. When she has her hair down in curls/loose and her glasses on - cute asf
  16. The bath does look a little cramped for three, even 3 slim females.
  17. Realised just how beautiful Elly is when she's relaxed and having a damn good laugh with Miro and Megan - she has such a fun loving nature, it seems.
  18. Miro and Elly dancing naked outside the bath. Miro's moves reminds me of the Bond movie intro's where there was always a dancing girl in silhouette gyrating away.
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