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Everything posted by Fidster

  1. Unfotunately I'm unable to do videos from this moment. I too would be grateful for one as, when you're screencapping via print screen and pasting into Photoshop, you lose a lot of moments crossing from screen to screen!! I know there is a video from the part 2 of their sex in the LR about somewhere (not mine).
  2. ONly caught the tail end of the workout, as opposed to the 'tail end' of Angie...
  3. The men look like they've never seen a woman before....
  4. Captured after Tuesday night's LR session on the sofa
  5. One of my first screen caps from this apartment from a few nights ago - I wonder if the roommate noticed through the reflection on the tv screen?
  6. Hope I haven't posted too many together - first time posting screencaps.
  7. Great capture, many thanks 🙂 The session just prior to this one may have been a bit less 'romantic'...in fact I think Ivan may have 'arrived' early (even though it was a good 10min session from 00:43 their time (10:43 GMT if anyone is looking for a time index) as Yulia appeared to have a little surprise giggle and things stopped for a moment, before recommencing a la this video
  8. and a 3rd session in the bedroom now - which was unexpected as Yulia looked absolutely shattered (unsurprisingly at 3am their time!) whilst Ivan was watching (dubbed) Family Guy. As soon as Ivan started the "let me give you a leg/butt massage as you lie on my lap" routine while they were watching the movie...you knew it wouldn't end there...
  9. One might say, once you've seen one video of Leora masturbating on the black chair in the guest room with a toy, in a white top and socks and her feet up in the air, you've seen them all....but, one might also say the videos are like Pokemon....gotta catch them all!
  10. That reminds me, I need to go to the post office to buy some stamps.... 😄
  11. Is she trying to get round to the other side of the counter or having an When Harry Met Sally moment with the corner of the counter?!
  12. indeed. I don't think the dog was impressed at being shut out of the room...probably safer in case it mistook her dildo for a chew toy....
  13. True and of course premium cams in the bedroom and bathroom will show that better than what us freeloaders get to see through the living room doors. I just recall that some observed that (other than say first thing in the morning in daylight), sex or shower antics had been mostly performed without the lights on. Yes, they could shut the sliding doors to their bedroom ( unless rlc managers have advised against this ) for privacy and, if the roommate were to get up early he would have quite an eyeful (judging by camera 2's view right now!). So comfort with nudity is not in doubt. Perhaps this would flourish more without the roommate, whom I hope, for them (and us) is only visiting on a temporary basis, so they can fully relax and explore their own apartment fully
  14. I saw this live the other night - tried some screen grabs but it was probably too dark for my laptop's graphics card to do the session justice...thanks for the vid share
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