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Everything posted by philo

  1. j'aurais pris l'invitation de passer la nuit comme indice et j'aurais explore plus pour ne pas rater l'occasion.
  2. That was one of the strangest visits I think I have ever seen... if, indeed, Leora's guest was a long lost friend. What I found strange was the effort that Leora and her guest seemed to be making to minimize the amount of time that they were in the same with each other. Except for the obvious text communications and the verbal conversations while in different rooms, the avoidance behavior seemed rather obvious to me. They did manage to coordinate together a late night cup of tea but Leora drank hers in her bedroom while he enjoyed the sofa. Their rapid departure from the apartment after awakening suggest they may have been looking forward to getting off camera. Just my humble opinion.
  3. I am happy (and surprised) that Masha's special guest turned out to be someone she could related to sexually in a way that seemed different from the last two guests. However, although he seems to be a possible replacement for Sasha....I'm not convinced. Although he rose to the occasion and represented himself well sexually, Masha is a complicated woman. I want to see if he is compatible with her spiritually. Is he compatible with her intellectually? Will he meditate with her? Will he talk with her rather than just responding to her questions of him? So far...he seems to just be a "bump on a log" with little or no personality. Finally, and (theoretically), If Sasha came back for a weekend visit...would the special guest choose Masha to be with?...or Sasha?
  4. Please understand that I am only stating with "I" believe from my observations. In the spirit of this forum, I am not asking or encouraging anyone to agree. We all make assumptions about who is or who is not a "one man woman". I hope I don't have to list all of the RLC couples of whom that statement has been made to validate my observation.
  5. Una vex mas, dije que creo que Leora esta enamorada de Paul. Ademas, debo haberme perdido el anuncio de que Leora regresara a Rusia pronto. Si esta asumiendo eso debido a las teorias de las personas en esto foro, recuerdo que algunos de ellos tambien han predicho que Masha tambien regresaria. Han estado prediciendo eso durante anos, pero ella todavia esta alli y quizas Leora tambien lo estara.
  6. No digo que ella todavia no este enamorade de Paul. Solo digo que creo que la realidad de su situacion se ha convertido en la oportunidad para que ella busque una nueva compania masculina. Ha sido urgente abandonar el departamento en ciertos momentos como si hubiera estado conociendo a alguien por varias semanas. Permitir que otro hombre en las camera creo que es un gran cambio.
  7. I have been watching closely as Leora has restarted her life in a new city and have, also, been listening to the voices who deny that she has indeed started a new life (without Paul). From my vantage point of having observations of her for many years, I have noted that she is indeed protective of her work. Indeed, the number of people that have shared her work with on camera are fewer than the number of fingers on the hand. However, my instincts about her established patterns of behavior lead me to believe that she is very deliberate in everything she does on camera. It is for this reason that I am expectant that we are observing the beginning of perhaps a new phase in her performance. It appears to be a more happy phase. Also, while I acknowledge the admonition that we should not to assume that Leora has found a new Beau...My intuition and my hope, is that Leora has found a new Beau..
  8. I believe in the power of morning wood and pheromones in close proximity to each other. I don't know if anyone could have lasted four days being that close to Masha without being converted as nature takes its course.
  9. If Masha can turn a gay guy into a bi-sexual, surely Leora can get a delivery guy to come back for a cup of tea?
  10. Leora just made a return visit with the same guy. This time he came further in and looked around. Leora seemed very animated and happy. Is Leora trying to tell us something?
  11. Leora just came in from an apparent shopping trip. There was a guy with her whom she allowed on camera to assist her with a package. I don't know how significant this might be except to note that other than Paul, I have NEVER seen another male on camera with Leora in her entire RLC history. (They left together after he put the package down).
  12. Looks like Leora and Naomi are going for a head-to-head competition tonight. Usually the apartments take turns in the spotlight but maybe this is some kind of showdown?
  13. This is Leora's third apartment with RLC. I can't think of anyone who has had three apartments. Just my assumption but surely they see Leora as the flagship apartment for RLC and will do whatever needs to be done to keep her as long as she wants to stay.
  14. I'm hoping that in some way RLC has worked out Leora's status. Since they put her apartment in a permanent "roommate/singles" slot and not in the "girls on vacation" slot.
  15. I saw Leora twice today semi nude on the balcony. She didn't stay very long but seemed to be testing her nerve to explore more new stuff. I can't wait to see if she takes her dildo out on the balcony before the weather gets too cold.
  16. I am confident that Masha's newest guest is gay and that here is little chance of a sexual encounter. I don't believe that he is the same guy that Sasha had the hots for but I am going through my archives to see if he is that guy.
  17. Count me as a long-time lover! In that regard, I'm renewing my call for RLC to do something about Leora's terrible camera placements. She is so far ahead of RLC that she has moved her base of operations to the kitchen and guest room where she can access the closest proximity and best camera angle. By moving to the corner of the sofa.in the guest room...she gets us as close as possible. It should be a priority for RLC to make sure she has the best camera placement rather than have her make those maneuvers.
  18. I've given some more thought to my earlier post about Leora's seeming preference for anal. My best recollection is that it started sometime after Zoya rocked the RLC world with her anal session using a Magic Marker. It was the first on camera anal insertion that I can recall and it got great reception from fans in the chat. Leora now seems to choose anal over vaginal and her decision could be based upon her desire for ratings....or it could very well be that she enjoys it. I see no evidence that her fans have demanded that of her so I would tend to believe her choice may not be just a response to customer demand.
  19. I defer to the judgement of you guys who know more and have been watching her longer than I. If what you say is accurate...that she is only pandering to the wishes of her fans...then it is logical to assume and we can certainly expect to see her fulfill our expectations with her female chat mate.
  20. I have been withholding this observation for some time but now feel compelled to comment. Leora, I think, prefers anal.
  21. I think it is time for Leora's video chat friend to make a visit. It's time to test RLC's servers and I think such a visit would shut down the servers and would exceed all of the record breaking replays that Masha's exploits have set. All of Leora's visits that I have observed over the years from her friend has been in the fall...or more specifically, during the holiday season. I hope this video chat is a prelude to something that has been long anticipated and that subscribers need to see. Leora...it's time to honor your fans!!!
  22. It's arguable but I think that the best girl-girl session ever on RLC was between Masha and Jane on a prior visit. Their sex was even better than Masha's session with Dasha. Jane was more engaged in the romance of it than Dasha in that much time was spent kissing and making out. I also believe that Masha has been envious of Jane's ability to DP with Dick and Sasha, and, with Masha's last weekend lover, has been training herself to do anal. I agree that it would be good to also see a solo visit from Dick after this.
  23. It is noteworthy to reference how capitalist have appropriated ancient practices in order to make money rather than to develop the human spirit. I would wager that most people who subscribe to RLC think that Masha is doing Pilates every morning when she goes on her mat. Millions of people like Pilates as it has been marketed in the west as a "physical fitness system". I believe, however, that there are those who wish to seek out the essence of things. They will come to appreciate that the human spirit cannot be calibrated by the pound, the euro, or the dollar.
  24. Masha's sexual practices, I believe, are influenced by her spiritual practices. It is very hard to explain to people with a different set of spiritual traditions and assumptions. It comes from cultural historical spiritual texts written thousands of years ago. One of those texts that people in Western Cultures seem to know about was made popular in America in the 1960's. It is called the Kama Sutra. It is but a tiny reference to a body of knowledge that academic people study over a lifetime in order to help us understand the wisdom of ancient cultural practices.
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