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Everything posted by philo

  1. I am still disappointed that RLC has decided not to improve Leora's camera angles so as to give her the close up opportunities that she needs and obviously wants. For her to have to resort to getting on tables, etc., to obtain close up camera coverage is undeserving. I had hoped RLC was taking the opportunity to improve things during her long off-line events but it looks like she will have to continue to improvise. Actually it might be making her show better in an ironic way.
  2. During the session that I am referring to, Leora adjusted her device several times. The adjustments ranged from having the device flat on the table while she stood above it to included positioning it with the support of things that were on the kitchen table. My review shows that the device was never in a static position during the conversation. However, I respect your opinion and your right to doubt it..
  3. The woman on Leora's skype chat today strongly resembles the woman who last visited her during the holiday season a few years ago in her second RLC apartment.
  4. Leora is playing with her nipples for her skype girlfriend to watch. The girlfriend seems to be just watching and not showing anything herself.
  5. Thank you for your translation. At least now, folk won't continue to say that she is with Paul. We all know that if she left at 2240 to be with Paul, that she would have been back home at 2250. Enjoy you night out with your new friend Leora...I hope you bring him on camera soon.
  6. So who among us, whenever we are lonely for female companionship, invites our sister to visit? When she first visited a couple years ago, I may have altered history by posting, on another forum, a concern about how Bodgan was kissing her on her neck. Some ciaimed that it was an acceptable form of affection often practiced by siblings. I accept that as a cultural difference from how I was raised. Where I am from it would have been viewed as an indicator of potential incestuous behavior. When I posted that, I was surprised at the amount of support for incestuous behavior among siblings. Still, I make no judgement about the practice but I reserve the right to comment on it.
  7. Some will claim that Bodgan has a sister who visits but they have not produced any evidence of that claim.
  8. So Bodgan has a lady visitor while Nelly is visiting Masha. The last time Bodgan went one-on-one with another lady is when Nelly was away and he sponsored an all day photo shoot with Efrim's lady, Annabelle. Bodgans day ended with Efrim crying in a fetal position on the sofa after finding Anabelle and Bodgan together on the balcony.
  9. Why would someone choose to characterize Leora as a "slut or a whore" and then try to put that language into someone else's mouth? ?? ??? Only someone, I suppose, who might believe that a woman belongs to a man and does not have her own agency to do as she please without a religious judgement? I don't believe that Leora belongs to Paul and that she can spend the night with a friend, a classmate, or a lover...without that kind of judgement. We should be careful in our accusations as they reveal more about the accuser than the accused.
  10. Again, we are left to rely upon the reports of people who understand the Russian language to keep those who don't updated on what the story line is. Franky, I think that some of it is made up out of whole cloth. I have been a subscriber long enough to realize that the story line that gets promoted on the forums is often constructed. I trust my own observation and analysis of what is in evidence rather than what is reported...but I do appreciate the honest Russian speaking brokers who help us understand the events..
  11. Of all of the explanations that we have heard about the "IP ISSUES" and all of the explanations that we have heard about the "POWER ISSUES" ...why is there not one explanation that includes the fact that Leora has engaged with a guy and we don't yet understand how and why. One fact that no one can dispute: That Leora had a dude spend the night (under circumstances that are debatable) and now Leora just might be in hot water for doing so. Although Leora did her best to make the visit seem platonic (she would not even share a cup of tea in the same room with the guy after they mysteriously got out of bed at the same time in the middle of the night and met in the kitchen). Leora may have over played her hand by acting like ("I don't know really know this dude...we went to school together... I just ran into him at the club... he was just passing through... I just...")game. One thing that all of the theories cannot erase is that we all saw him there and it was the only occasion in my six years of watching Leora that I have seen her with another man. I think that is significant!!! Why, now, are some trying to ignore it? What I know about RLC is that whenever an apartment goes down for more than a few hours, "Houston, we have a problem".
  12. I guess Leora is waiting on Paul to tell her how to turn the camera back on. In the meanwhile....?
  13. What I saw was Leora rushing to her front door without getting dressed...then rushing to the balcony to look down (as if to identify something or someone on the ground)...then going back to bed and texting...then the apartment goes UM. Again...is this another opportunity to spend time with her new visitor off camera? I don't at all mind being the only person who strongly believes that Leora's recent visitor is THE MOST SIGNIFICANT EVENT since she arrived in her new city. Also, I don't mind being the only person who sees NO EVIDENCE THAT PAUL IS STILL IN CONTROL of Leora's life. (Sorry). I cannot ignore what I see as being insignificate. At least it is based upon observable facts...unlike some of the stuff people say on this forum without any evidence (Like someone who was supposed to have visited last Wednesday?). (Or that Leora is packing to leave for Australia by the end of the month)? I would be ashamed to continue making suppositions like this without any evidence cited whatsoever to support...especially when the observable fact that Leora had a guy spend the night !!! We can do better than this?
  14. Masha and Nelly are spending more and more time together in the bedroom bath and their time there is getting longer and longer. Masha is not known for quick orgasms but maybe Nelly gets off easily..
  15. Also, about two years before the session I just described, Nelly was visited by a different plump female guest who attended many of their parties. After Bodgan had fallen asleep, Nelly left the bed naked to join the guest on the sofa. The snuggled under the covers most of the night and Nelly returned to bed with Bodgan early in the morning before he awakened.
  16. I always like to attempt to forecast what will happen based upon previous evidence. So I'm guessing that this time it will be Nelly who takes the lead in seducing Masha. Nelly has been on a constant diet of Scotch cocktails as if she is working up to the right moment. I'm betting that she will be the Dom and that Masha will initially be the Sub. (I know it is wishful thinking but it's also based upon my observations of their respective past behaviors. Right before Nelly's old apartment was closed down, she was aggressively seducing a plump visitor and had a few make-out sessions with her on the sofa and on the balcony. She had just started putting her hands in the girls panties and I expected that it would happen soon, but we never got to see it.
  17. I have post this before on another forum: I have documentation of one of Nelly's bate sessions in her old apartment.Nelly was watching porn on her laptop and she placed the laptop on her bed as she got further into her bate. The screen of the laptop was momentarily seen on camera where the action was clearly visible. I rewatched the session several time both zoomed in and on slow motion. I saw that Nelly was bating to what appeared to be a homemade girl-girl sex tape. I am convinced that the two women on the tape that Nelly was bating to were Masha and Dasha when they were much younger and before Dasha had her tattoos. Some participants on the other forum shared also they the had evidence that the three (Masha, Dasha and Nelly) were schoolmates at some time..
  18. So you guys who speak Leora's language have the advantage over those of us who don't. From what I can make of the limited conversation, it seems that Leora may have violated someone's privacy by trying to keep her fans up to date. RLC's solution was to "technically" shut down her apartment for two days to resolve the matter. Meanwhile, she potentially gets to stay away with her beau off camera (for those who believe this theory) or she gets to spend time with Paul and her dog (and I've got property in Florida for sale for those who are interested). Any updates for the English only speaking fans would be appreciated.
  19. I was Nelly, I recall, who gifted the black cat to Masha...although it was delivered by Dasha. Did Nelly come back to look after the cats or to finish making out with Masha? LOL
  20. Leora had to come home and cook her own dinner. I would have fed her...food!
  21. Leora's situation looks rather intense to me. I think that they have spent at least two days together off camera except for the break last night. I think that Leora brought him on camera because she wanted to be with him but did not want to have questions about where she spent the night. Six hours off camera today and she comes home for 10 minutes to pick up something and back out again. I'm actually happy for her but I am very critical of the "Real Life" being off camera (just as I have been for all the others who pulled this same stunt over the past six years).
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