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Everything posted by punxkink

  1. Speak for yourself. I LOVE seeing Leora pleasure her man
  2. They are husband and wife. However, Bogdan's sister will often sleep over when they go on vacation, and since she knows there are cameras, I'm sure the sister has watched them have sex plenty of times. And if Nelly or Bogdan come on CC at all, they've probably seen the sister nude in the shower.
  3. Don't feel sorry. They love each other. You log onto RLC because you're horny... if you've ever lived with a girl before, you would know you're not horny all the time, even if they are naked. That's not how it works.
  4. I love that she's one of the few who rocks a nice bush. Her and Emma.
  5. I've never "lost sophistication" due to someone else. That fact that you think she did just by visiting Masha is laughable. so·phis·ti·cat·ed ADJECTIVE having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.
  6. She's naked. Fully naked, with her legs spread. That's interesting enough for me. Thank you for the cap!
  7. I see you made a brand new troll account. Kudos to you! Wakanda forever!
  8. He's making her laugh, just like a good boyfriend should
  9. Damn, I wasn't able to cap yesterday's sex. It had a GREAT blowjob view from the kitchen to start things off.
  10. She's cute! Looking forward to them warming up to being on cam. They speak english, too! Also, I was always curious what RLC would name a black dude... Hakeem it is!
  11. Ohhhh noooooooo, Nelly is doing something that she likes! How dare she! /s
  12. On the RLC updates, it does say they "broke up and left the project". I really hope Varvara gets another apartment
  13. I for one hope neither Paul nor Leora ever cheats. Cheating is such a horrible act of betrayal. Paul has a thick rod, you know it has to feel good. BOTH Leora and Paul need to work on their chemistry TOGETHER. Sex is a two person activity.
  14. I prefer my women to look like fully grown women. To each their own, I suppose
  15. Sounds about right coming from someone who hates the greatest President of all time
  16. Yo, I don't think you get how this works... ...or how your dick works
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if Paul told her to shave. She loves to explore, try new things, and she definitely likes the taste of her own juices. I could see Paul being immature enough to think any pussy hair is gross. Hopefully I'm wrong!
  18. yeah. If I knew somebody who was on RLC, I'd be watching. Looking is just looking, acting on something is completely different
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if she's seen videos of Nelly and Bogdan having sex. She must know how good Bogdan is at fucking... Wonder if Bogdan tried to get his hands on some of those shower clips of his sister
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