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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 2 minutes ago, West_California said:

    PS I miss Belle too, but a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush, I Enjoyed it.

    craziness- "2 in the bush" ? who does that ? How & with who ? LOL

    Not they have bushes but Belle💗has had dildoes, fingers and even the occasional tongue at the what used to be the fairy cup of many girls ... especially Rosie.

    Not so many in reverse because as far as girls are concerned she's more a giver than a taker.

  2. 1 minute ago, West_California said:

    Wellll, I didn't mean Rozas First Shower literally. I haven't watched/missed her showers before this one.

    Ah I thought you might but I'm sure I've heard it form others as well, maybe via other sources rather than this board and it confused be. There was a guy who complained Belle💗 never bated during her last stay after her fifth open one ... and the 20+ bath bates in B2 which we couldn't see and a couple of others undercover. 

  3. I subscribed mainly to see Belle💗but also Leora, Chloe, Ulyana, Anabel, Adeline, crazy things at Olivia's. Well all but one of those has gone. I just want some value for money. I'm not really interested in the rest of Barcelona unless they have some contact with Belle💗. Masha's always fun but I have watched her do absolutely everything and Martina just has bad cameras so that leaves me with Linda who's got a great body but I have rarely watched and the other dysfunctional couple. So now RLC for me is most definitely only Belle💗and if she's not here I am feeling robbed. Belle💗 is a party girl. Bring the parties to B3! Moan about them all you want but I'll enjoy them and the crazier and nakeder the better plus they might even challenge Sofie for the top spot.

  4. 35 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    That's what we need..more Barca shows that lead to nothing😖.

    The alternative at the moment IS NOTHING.
    The reality is Barcelona is shows. It has been that since I started watching with 2Ks. It was a different kind of show, a very soft show, but a show nevertheless and the same every night. On very rare occasions are we lucky enough to see a dose of reality with a genuine couple or a girl bringing back a guy to fuck and if we are really lucky 2 girls who really want to have sex with each other which we have seen some of in the last year in B4. But 90% of the time nothing is going to happen so RLC fill it with shows because they need people to watch. RLC is a business and the girls are grateful for it.

    I love watching Belle💗 on her own or with anybody but at the moment she's not here and if it is watching couples watching TV or having some wild party which they may have been encouraged to have or come up with of their own volition, I would rather that any day of the week. We know what Belle💗 is capable of and I feel subconsciously R&T are not helping. And anyway in this apartment we've had 1 show in 2 weeks. It is not exactly OVERKILL!

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, djoko00 said:

    just a remainder once and for all that what happened in the barcelona's apartments was not fake that's all and still not 

    Well at the moment B&N are acting like a couple genuinely on Vacation, which is of course why we don't want that level of reality.
    Do you stay in your apartment or hotel room when you're on vaction? Well I certainly don't I tend to. I have breakfast and return when it's dark and if I were younger I might just pop into change for the nightlife and return in the early hours. If that happened with the girls, people would be complaining.

  6. 3 minutes ago, djoko00 said:

    yes i do know the rules and when i speak about the girls im talking in general never mention any of the personal details even in private and to clarify things to many people here that the Barcelona project is not fake at all 

    Yes it is tempting to give information to defend the girls but i guess we can't do it. I stay away from social media but obviously I hear things.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, djoko00 said:

    all the ukranian girls and few russians who came before to barcelona are truly friends and best friends and the bond is very strong between them just as i speak now 7 of the old tenants are having dinner together right now irma is one of them

    I don't know about the current group in Barcelona but Belle and most of the party girls go back years but the chemistry between Rosie and Belle is something special. In fact I was a little disappointed that with Irma and Belle knowing each other and becoming friends we didn't SEE more of them together. I ahve long suspected that Belle has had a lot more fun outside the apartments than in them - BelleCam would have been fantastic except I wouldn't be able to see Belle except in a mirror - and you will have noticed she and Nate do spend quite a bit of time outside not that I'm suggesting that they are doing anything sexual just enjoying the company of friends.

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  8. 10 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Belle and Nate's relationship might be real but what you will see from them and Rosey will be fake, for the cameras, and not real at all

     Harley you are so full of it. Define fake. Physically Rosie and Belle💗 have been intimate on many occasions as well with 3rd parties. They are best friends which is obvious by the chemistry between them. Would they have sex of camera, probably not. Do they like girls? Well there's a fair bit of evidence to suggest they do. Can they act? Yes of course they can and I might suggest they have deliberately overacted on occasions but they certainly aren't any more fake than anyone else in Barcelona.
    Just seeing Belle and Rosie together is a recipe for fun and they have genuine fun.

    And you have absolutely no reason to doubt Belle and Nate's relationship so why even start with that. Nate is Belle's BF and has been known about before they came to Barcelona. Harley you need to relax and enjoy yourself.

  9. 1 hour ago, rebliz said:

    I saw many comments about Sofie nudity (in 2 days I saw lots of her nude) but what is Rosa's story ( I didn't saw her even once) most of the day in bed with rube she get fucked with panties on and not take a shower after as Tom 



    She has taken a few full naked showers. It's a bit annoying that they get 2 cams for showers while B&N get just one and they don't have one in the actually bathroom: WC, basin and mirror. I assume the mirror is the problem as they could not work out where to put a camera without showing the WC, not that I'd object but I think most tenants would even though we have seen a few visible toilets. It reminds me of the middle room in B2 where the girls were often naked in front of the mirror for ages in the far corner in the room yet they took a long time to put a camera pointing in that direction.

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