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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. I have PM'd your credentials for DirtyBin. You can change your password at anytime. Thanks for letting me know about the e-mail issue, I will get that resolved ASAP.

    First of all thanks - I am not having a good day as my mail server is down now (but not before) and no Leora  :(

    Did you mean you PM'd me or DirtyBin? I assume the latter since I have not got a PM.

  2. Well yes, and last year (surely no coincidence that we have a Muslim culture Minister) the making of all videos which showed women having pleasure from sex (masturbation, cunnilingus, the moment of orgasm) are not allowed to be made in the UK though we still watch foreign porn on those subjects. It's just retarded. And despite how angry many women get on this there some to more self-righteous middle aged prudes who want to deny anyone else the pleasure they might or might not have had in their youth just before hosting an Ann Summers Party because it's alright for them.

  3. In the UK there's just been a programme in which a Belgian Sex Ed teacher came to teach British children SexEd. First she taught them parts of female genitalia. Most of the girls where unaware that they even had a uretha  :o

    They clearly had not been taught anything. She also give them a homework topic to masturbate - how would you prove you've done it.

    She spoke to the Minister for Sex Ed and asked whether he would put forward the teaching of female sexual pleasure. And what a surpise, the guy mumbled and looked clueless.

    in the 21st century, this is just a disgrace.

    Admitted my sex ed was given to me when I was 5 by my Mum "Boys have something which sticks out; girls have a hole. Work it out" Other than that nothing from school and they complain when people learn sex from internet porn - well they've no other choice!

  4. No need to buy the stuff.  When you go to see the Doctor just tell him you have problems getting it up and you can't afford to buy the ED medication. They'll give you a handful of the free samples they get.

    I'm in the UK, where as you know according to the government we don't have sex, and I'm still waiting for physio appointment after 3 months, but thanks for the suggestion anyway. I have K but its several years out of dat but someone told me it didn't matter.

  5. I've made 2 attempts now. First from Giftrocket where I could not register may card so I'd be interested tom know which state you put in if you are from the UK. Tried many formats with the post code but it did not except them (maybe linked to the state!) so I decided to try without stored details and then it came up with a booking fee of $4.20, which is more than stated on here.

    So I thought $16.20 is getting closer to $19.99 for dirtybin so I registered there (initial registration not via https which would have been nice) but no activation e-mail from them (I checked my spam folder). I tried aagin but then of course someone with that e-mail address is already registered, so I know I must have got it right so no nearer my quest for full membership.

    Also I am surprised Paypal has got all holier than thou about this as I remember registering for a few adult sites there in the past. It's like they don't know what the internet is for any more.

    I've e-mailed dirtybin about the problem. Can't believe it's so hard to give people money.

  6. Mine's still working OK I hope and for many decades to come. Started taking kamagra - I think there are better - when I got to 45 but I think it's a confidence thing. I certainly seem hard enough but sometimes it can take me a long time to climax, which surely according to the ladies is not a bad thing at all.

  7. Thank you so much.

    I was wondering whether she had one. Perhaps Goddesses don't have buttholes. Woman's anuses have always  turned me one possibly because they are in the bottom, my favourite part of the female anatomy. When the reallife site popped up at me she was in the kitchen making coffee in some very flimsy underwear. I was immediately entranced. I could take or leave the other women on the site, but she's special.

  8. Welcome BBsq69 , you can sit in Leora fan club ha place for you , enjoy the incomparable beauty of this woman, and the best smile of all RLC . Over time you will learn the right moments to rest .

    As Pepe said, just beware of some children in the forum, it makes you move away , but other than that the forum this full of good and helpful people .


    Thank you Scooter. I hope I prove a worthy member.  :) At my age I hope I can avoid worrying about 'the children.' I just want to admire Leora.

    Actually I think I'll take a break now, as I just missed the shot of her walking naked through the hall. Got one of her bending over to change though but she now appears to be fully dressed and, I noticed this last night on the sofa, is developing a nasty cough.

  9. You are not alone. There seems to be a very large fan club, or should I say -- secret brotherhood -- at CC dedicated to Leora, their one and only queen. I'm sure once you are accepted into that tribe, some one will give you pointers after you've undergone their initiation rituals.

    And yes, she's a 10, but I must be objective and fair to all the ladies because I'm a mod, so I never show my preferences.  ;D

    Rituals - I'll go through anything  ;D All those 100s of pictures and videos that have gone - I'm willing to take the ring to Mordor if I get to see Leora's ring. I don't think have slept for 2 does through watching her but I used the very primitive method of screen dump and am I so annoyed with myself when I double click and erase that perfect shot. I would give anything to be Paul and she would never leave my bed.

    Any advice on posting images ... but like I said I don't think I have enough quality.

    Ah I see I somehow have to pay $12 which apparently is difficult from Europe. I have no bitcoin but I'll see what I can do. Giftrocket?

    Just a further question - if I subscribe to dirtybin then do I get to see the older videos or have they actually vanished. All I get is a blank page at the moment which doesn't really encourage me that they actually still exist. Sorry if I have posted in an inappropriate place - I'm just so excited about Leora ... and the sleep deprivation she has cause me. 

  10. I joined this site for one reason, Leora is perfection. I first fell in love where her bum but everything else about her is wonderful.

    I discovered Leora a few days ago during an unauthorized pop up. I captured quite a bit today but only of the same quality as is already there.

    I hope this does not sound like a rude request, but can anyone point me in the direction of any images showing her butthole. It is my personal kink and I would love to see some. At the moment busy D/L ing everything I can about this goddess and it's shown so many links have been removed. Do people have archives?

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