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Everything posted by Buster

  1. And you never recorded it. She wasn't doing shit. She was already sleeping.
  2. What the fuck kind of narrow minded thinking comes up with the idea that they're gay for being "too friendly"?
  3. You couldn't look in any of the other handful of threads about Leora masturbating before starting ANOTHER goddamn thread about Leora masturbating?
  4. Why isn't this couple in the archives yet?
  5. That is what someone thought earlier today. But they've been gone the entire day. That doesn't explain why their apt. is still online right now.
  6. Hung7 was a bit of a dick, but he was no more of a dick than some of the other people on this board. With the shenanigans that goes on here, you have to pull some pretty ugly shit to get the boot out of here.
  7. I'm not going to pretend that Efim was a saint. We've all seen some of the things he did. But if he did break it off with her, then I glad for him. With the way he used to gravitate towards other women and him being as young as he was, he very clearly was not ready to be in a relationship. And with the way she used to throw tantrums, hit herself when she got upset and/or cry at the drop of a hat, he very clearly did not need to be in a relationship with her (calling her unbalanced is the perfect adjective). Like I said, they both need to sort through some shit. Efim needs to fuck a bunch more women before even thinking about getting serious with anyone else and she needs to work through her issues.
  8. Don't even waste your time trying to convince them. Just let them enjoy their fantasy world.
  9. As a matter of fact I HAVE realized this is a forum for open discussion, and if you don't like having your opinion question after post something then maybe it's you that doesn't realize that is a forum for open discussion. If you weren't suggesting he jump on her, then what were you suggesting exactly? Because even if you weren't suggesting it, it certainly seemed like you were indirectly implying it when you made this statement: Which was preceded by this statement: What then if you weren't implying that he should have jumped on her should he have done in order for you not to question his impotence?
  10. So? For the millionth time, why is he obligated to jump on her just because she's naked? Why is it so "sad" that she might have been frustrated when she walked off? And why do you care so much?
  11. It's the "end of the road" for this couple at least 2-3 times a week. Personally speaking, I hope these two DO break up. Neither one of them deserves to be in a relationship until they learn to get their shit together. But again, 2-3 times a week. Stop coming to snap conclusions people. Seriously.
  12. Lay off the porn. It's distorting your sense of reality.
  13. Because the picture was taken from a locked room instead of a free room.
  14. Remember how I said that I'm so popular that I don't even have to make any posts and fools will still mention my name? I love being proven right.
  15. There's one room in every house/apartment that doesn't have a camera. This house/apartment is no exception.
  16. I'm not sure I'd want them to leave either but they have been here the longest out of all the other couples. Having said that, I don't really see any signs of them leaving right now. Might just be doing cleaning.
  17. I don't see her bags anymore so I'm assuming this is only time we're going to see her tonight.
  18. And you know what's funny? As much as you claim he's not able to satisfy her, he's STILL fucking her after years of being together, while you can only talk about what you only WISH to do if you had her.
  19. One of the most sensible posts I've read in this thread in a VERY long while. It's nice to see someone actually USE their brain instead of seeing/reading 90% of the dribble that comes from most of the people here.
  20. There's a ton of pics of her in the pic section but you might not be able to see most or any of them since you're not a paid member of the forum.
  21. And now you know why I don't even waste any time commenting in this thread. I could add more but what you said basically sums up the regular posters in thread quite nicely so I'm just gonna leave it at that.
  22. That's because here at CC, the only requirements to being a perfect human being is having tits and vagina. Just be careful not to question this rule, else you risk be labeled a misogynist.
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