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Everything posted by whatare3

  1. RLC knows what happened since they decided to try to erase it from the timeline. I noticed the guy kept texting someone right before he covered the cams and the cams went "under maintenance." Anyone think he could be a RLC employee? Anyone heard anything back from the support emails?
  2. The support button at the bottom. I'm asking for a refund as well if it is not addressed immediately
  3. I noticed that on Replay as well. 12AM -8AM seems to be missing on purpose. I would like to know from RLC why they let this go on.
  4. That would suck big time. Did anyone see what kind of atmosphere that the party had before the cams went down? Did it look like it could be a possibility?
  5. anyone else having trouble getting the cam feeds to stream?
  6. You don't need to look through what I post to find out information about me because there is very little to find on here. As a matter of fact I have a premium membership to RLC but I also have a job and a life to tend to. Maybe you should try that out too. Get off the internet a little bit more since you got over 1400 post on here.
  7. You sound like you have a very boring sex life. Many people enjoy this form of play in the bedroom and for you to come here and say she has not done this before and didn't enjoy it is rather bold. Your opinion isn't proof of anything so you "seeing it with your own eyes" means nothing on how she really felt. Maybe you should try it, you might like it.
  8. Well does anyone record their sexual encounters? The only videos ever posted are of her walking or sitting around not doing anything special.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. All of those videos and screen shots are of things that happen in the apartment often. What about juicy things that happen rarely?Someone has to be around when they do happen because I come here and get a play by play of the action and never see a single screen shot.
  10. so all of this chatter and description of what went down and not a single picture or video posted yet?
  11. Does anyone watch and record when they have sex anymore? There has been a few mentions of them having sex but never any proof with pictures or video. It seems they only fool around before they go to bed and I'm never home when they do so I couldn't even begin to try to contribute anything.
  12. Can someone explain to me Sasha's relationship with the dark-haired girl? I just watched him cook for her and they are eating together and smiling and talking. He never does this with Masha. Are they in an open relationship? Masha isn't there right now and even when all three has been there together it seems like she gives them space to themselves.
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