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Everything posted by English

  1. Very good point, unless you are a complete exhibitionist course.
  2. They do not look either very happy or comfortable. Not sure which.
  3. Yes a big dog, what sex is it.
  4. Jeez that is one hell of a post. I am British and nothing I said was Sarcastic. I am not quite sure why we are talking about who said what when we are discussing a Russian Web site, supported by America. Let us get back to enjoying the Girls, or not as the case may be. If you took offence to anything I said, I apologise, but, I do not know what I am apologising for. Enjoy watching RLC.
  5. Yes as an American you would naturally always think the worst and attack. Let us see what happens. As for "nice knowing me", I do not think your ever did know me. However, strange as it may be, I like your post. Confirms what I have always thought. OK I take it you have seen my upload, apparently it is only available to Members which you are not by your status.! Hey let's quit the crap and get back to having fun here. IF RLC ban me I will let you know. You take care,.
  6. Erm, OK, so I screwed up. Wonder is RLC are paid members. Thinking about it I am a PAID member.
  7. Hey you are talking as if you can see the pic I uploaded, I can not.
  8. So would this pass the test? Well that file attachment did not work, so far I have no probs with getting kicked by RLC.
  9. Yes seen them. So take a snap ok as long as there is no circles, video something else.
  10. Now I have read about RLC kicking people for posts here in other posts, shrugged it off as rubbish. Now you have stated it. I take it the watermark is the number at the bottom left of the image? How can RLC ban people who are subscribed?
  11. It's called frustration in things being changed which they do not like, and here is a place to vent that frustration. For I it was when the 2 K's left, and I vented my frustration and got told off. As you say, nobody is forced to watch RLC, but, we are all hooked.
  12. Interesting comment. I don't think RLC would not give a dam about what we think as long as we keep paying, however, if, and that is a big if, the room occupants were reading this it could well effect their attitude to being in those rooms. I watched Kristy one evening on her Laptop and the reflection looked like she was watching her room and others, could be wrong it was not a good reflection.
  13. Personally I don't think anything said here will have any effect on RLC or the girls actions. Would love to be proved wrong.
  14. RLC getting desperate, have you seen the new room Jitka and Marek. Jeez.
  15. Although she did have some "interesting sex" with Dipstick this morning.
  16. It does not mean you can not post to and read that thread if you wish to.
  17. Possibly, but a bit cruel. After all if you were a Monkey would you like to be compared to her !!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Just installed it and it is brilliant. Thanks for post, a good recommendation.
  19. :) Ahh the smiles work in IE just not in Edge. Thanks for that tip, never thought about trying a different browser. :-[
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