Pictures, never even considered that threat.
Hey at the end of the day we all have our own preference, some may like her. Not your cup of tea, nor mine. if it floats for RLC who are we to argue.
Spot on. Wondered how long it would take for someone to pick up on it. In the Winter when we go back to GMT they will still be one hour ahead. Hmm.
Signed, The pompous English prat.
Jeez, I should have used that as my login when I joined.
Stop being American. GMT is the Greenwich line which in the Northern Hemisphere runs thorough the outskirts of London at a place named Greenwich, strangely enough.
So Portugal, Spain, in Fact what we would call Europe is one hour ahead of GMT.
Unlike America which is Circa 8 hours behind we do not get Jet Lag, that only applies to the States. Erm China, 14 hour flight, yea that knackered me.
It is GMT + 1, Take it from an Englishman who has to suffer going from GMT to BST, ie knock the clocks back one hour in summer so the Brats can go to school in daylight!
Naa, just let them be them selves, do not bring a Shrink into this or we as Members will prob be certified first!
She is a beauty to look at and that post was a fantastic bit of fun. That's all.
The Net is a weird place.
You have to learn who to trust and who to not, who are your friends an who are not, That takes time, however, time will reveal all.
Ahh, Porn.
I think the world over is drawn to what we call Porn.
Have you ever thought about what Porn is?
Porn is what we are not meant to look at, so if you tell someone not to look, what do they do - look.
People like RLC make money out of it, this BBS is thriving on it. It is a part of life that for some strange reason some people are against.
Perhaps they are scared of the truth about what they feel.
Instructions, perhaps.
Do not forget, this is a website set up to make MONEY, and big style if you subscribe.
In return they allow us to be Voyeurs.
Yes she is a Goddess, however that is in the eye of the person looking.
40 Years ago, no, she is plain Jane, now, 40 years latter Jeez, no answer to that.