Yes, did not manage to capture the scene when she asked him to stroke her pussy, then opened the bag thing with the cat in it, the expression on his face said it all - not the pussy he was expecting to stroke.
Hey Bobbyjoe, they have provided entertainment, so why not respect their leaving?
Give a bit of space.
Unlike the last major leaving of this apartment, the two K's, I am curious when RLC will turn off the cams, or is she engineering to leave early so it is watched?
Like you I cannot wait till the room re-opens with new guests, or will they be.
Although I never particularly liked her, she looks so sad, that I don't like either. Interesting room, when I joined there were four, then two, now shortly none and a new room in a manor of speaking.
I think a new general Board with sub threads is required. People leaving, as some of the stuff I have seen scattered about is actually quite touching..
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Packing up early me thinks. Must be a strange feeling to leave an apartment after being "queen bee" there for so long.
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I think she will return, hope she does.
Still hoping to see Lev make love with her, or have I missed that part!
She certainly brought intrigue to the apartment.
Je pense qu'elle sera de retour, espère qu'elle fait. Toujours dans l'espoir de voir Lev faire l'amour avec elle, ou ai-je raté cette partie! Elle a certainement l'intrigue à l'appartement.
I think she will return, hope she does.
Still hoping to see Lev make love with her, or have I missed that part!
She certainly brought intrigue to the apartment.
Je pense qu'elle sera de retour, espère qu'elle fait. Toujours dans l'espoir de voir Lev faire l'amour avec elle, ou ai-je raté cette partie! Elle a certainement l'intrigue à l'appartement.
Are her eyes sad or hunting. I would not like to think of her sad or unhappy as I has also seen those eyes sparkle.
Ses yeux sont tristes ou la chasse. Je ne voudrais pas penser à elle triste ou malheureux que moi a également vu les yeux brillent.
When I looked into their apartment was met with this. My first thought was she has her knickers round her knees and the Mutt has his snout stuffed between her legs.
Nope, she has a bandage on her knee.
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Boring as it may be, not always. Although it is girl on girl with an exception I find it fascinating to watch them as the cuddle, caress each other in a very loving way.
I do like this apartment.
Possibly RLC do not wish their reputation to go down anymore, and they are contracted to pay the occupants till then. Does not mean they have to show the rooms. It could also give them time to re-vamp the apartments as 18th Oct is not that far a way.
For someone new coming into RLC there a not a lot of apartments, it should get better.
In other words, I have not got a clue!
I love this pic, especially the sultry expression on her face, or is it a determined look, I am coming to get you.
I will now get told off again by StnCld316 for editing the original post. ;) :D
I was never really into girl on girl, but have to admit this pair are cute, the way they welcome each other when one comes home, the touching. They appear to be happy together.
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