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Posts posted by rtgonzo

  1. 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    This is a typical case of social housing that "VH-TV" sponsors. Like Mira & Henry or Pascha or or or RLC various candidates who have been shy about work for years and whose purpose in life consists of sleeping, looking at their smartphones, eating pizza from the outside and sometimes more or less fucking.

    I haven't seen any action from the two ladies in a public area for months or years.

    Why is this boring couple still being sponsored and fed at the expense of "VH-TV" subscribers?????


    To be blunt, they are Not being "sponsored". They own the house they reside in, and only get paid based on time spent by members viewing them. They also have jobs outside of being on-camera. 

    Unlike the old days on RLC (I 'm not sure about present day RLC) VH-TV, at base, only pays out for member view time. Some few apartments are run and paid for by the occupants. More are run by "managers" who lease or own the properties and pay out a percentage to the participants. Some managers, I think, rent out the equipment with the participants paying for the property themselves. N & K have themselves have managed a few apartments, either for friends or others.

    The carping of those who whine about how the girls are getting by for doing nothing and "wasting" the fees of unhappy subscribers is just tiresome. The only earn what they do from those who watch them.  Rest assured, if VH-TV didn't find them profitable they would have been gone long ago. Feel free to go ask over on the vh-tv run forum, you may or may not get a response. If anyone knows otherwise feel free to correct me. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, rodneytrotter said:

    Given the current situation in Ukraine the girls must be worried at the news, but even at a personal level there is much to worry about. I think it has been said here that they own this house, assuming they have a mortgage the Russian interest rate increase from 9.5% to 20% can hardly be welcome news. 

    Indeed, hopefully the rate is fixed. Or at least any increase is capped.

  3. 1 hour ago, disneykid said:

    I think the girls need an electrician to sort the house out Nina turned alight on in the bedroom ,the lights in the kitchen went out  all these  short circuits could cause a fire🙀

    I suspect the branch circuits were not sized to carry the load of all those electric heaters. So it's the circuit breakers doing their job. The girls will likely have to be more selective about what lights and , in particular, heaters they run at the same time. Once the mains gas for the boiler gets hooked up should no longer be a problem, I'd guess. Until then, a juggling game.....  

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  4. 18 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    They drink too much Kool-Aid, get in the moment of it and then when the effects of the Kool-Aid wears off they regret doing it and have arguments even though all parties involved agreed at the beginning.  


    16 hours ago, sturmchaser said:

    Agree with that assessment.  It was a beautiful moment at the time, and a scarily volatile time afterward.  But back then they were just kids.  They have since grown and learned and matured a great deal.  It's been what, 7 years since then?  Jesus H Christ have I actually been watching them for that long?  Wow.  

    (For those curious, Doe is doing just brilliantly these days, quite happy and thriving)  😉 

    Have to agree with both of you here. @StnCld316 I think you have described the outcome of at least %50 of all 3-way scenarios. In that case I think there was more alcohol than pre-mediation involved. Which, at least in my experience, is never a good thing. It makes the "little heads" voice way louder than the big heads.

    @sturmchaser Indeed, it was wonderful and then suddenly horrible. It went sour and things went south before it was even over. As you say it was a terrible time for them afterwards.  Was that last time in the RLC apt 7 years ago? I'll have to check the timestamp on the video. And, yeah we've been watching them at least that long. Not sure what that says, other than that we are discerning gents of good taste. 😁

    Both the girls still are who they are, but they have grown a lot since then. I think they have maybe learned that as a couple it's not the best thing for them. There have been opportunities since then.....

    • Like 4
  5. 20 minutes ago, Chipper said:

    We who have watched the girls since the first move to VH are used to the anticipation of the cameras coming on in a new apartment.  I for one wish for an apartment not too large, not too small, not too hot, not too cold, but just right,

    Ah yes, the "Goldilocks Apartment" 😁  Well the place they are leaving started out with good intentions. The house share wasn't an altogether bad plan, just didn't work out in the end.  I suspect they got a good deal on the rental back when they moved in at the height of the pandemic....  

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  6. 1 hour ago, refazer said:

    From my poor knowledge of English I understood that they would be online until November 14th and then they will move into their new home and will find them online around November 17th or 18th.


    Got it in one! Your knowledge of English is better than you think. 😁

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Chipper said:

    It was me, and he didn't get the point of it like he didn't understand my broken record statement/gif.

    My comment to DK was a follow up to Chipper's. "It ain't pining for the fjords, it's bleeding expired." (with apologies to john Cleese) Yet he keeps on flogging the dead horse about the girls sex life. 

  8. 5 hours ago, disneykid said:

    Can’t Kira buy her own laptop ,it would save her  carting that big desktop computer  around when she goes  out

    As she uses it for work, it may have needed to go into the office for upgrade, patches, etc.  Some things can't be done remotely..... 

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