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Everything posted by Omar823502

  1. is not the same situation, when she rub her pussy is under the sheets or where you can't see, she is a little bit shy, from my stand point
  2. I think, the problem is the camera, Anna is looking the camera constantly
  3. para mi es mas facil en español, está llorando porque el tipo es un hijo de su madre... No la ayuda en nada, me parece que es un vividor, pero definitivamente está enamorada cuando se está poniendo la ropa, el sólo la ve, y ella le reclama eso, que el no la ayuda y que para ella es muy dificil hacer todo. que tiene varios dias que no come bien ni duerme bien. Lo que creo es que ahora para ella él es una carga, él no puede no tomar ni una decisión como la compra de una antena.
  4. she was crying because is very hard for her to life with this injury, and she was asking him that he is not helping her, for example i saw when she try to put her t-shirt, it was not easy, and Adrian just looking, that was one of the complains. What I don't know what is in injury about. Someone can explain please
  5. I think Leora was watching herself in the laptop, because at the end she move back the flowers
  6. Paul is trying very hard, but she is not so easy, at least he could put his arms around her in the bed, but she is very cold I would like to understand the heart of the problem
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