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Everything posted by daily

  1. I have only one question for everyone which of the girls will masturbate first night
  2. the great minds that's exactly what I was just telling me about this apartment a real Chinese puzzle
  3. it may also be the fault of RLC and daughters who do not give a fuck customers and many people on this forum may also be tired of the crap that some people who defend these girls can relate to hide this these girls say and do outside really and automatically people prefer to leave this thread or emigrating to other more interesting website just a thought
  4. it becomes seriously what is happening on this forum I see that many people still like to waste time defending girls they never fuck really pathetic On these words, have a nice day
  5. un jour ou l'autre ces filles vont foutre le feu l'appartement ou pire encore il va se passer vraiment de quelque chose de très grave et tu auras toujours des personnes qui applaudiront " OUAIS C'EST EXTRA RLC" bravo à eux et à ces filles
  6. if you want I'll put the forms once and for all by telling you that you or many people you get tired for nothing to support these girls you have not understood yet that you do not boxez in the same category and if you want the TROLL like you can call me explain some things going on outside with some of these girls Good evening to you anyway
  7. if my story don't like you I can tell you differently by putting the forms that suit you then "Once upon a time the girls who met Prince Charming ______________________________, they do not married and had a child" Now I leave you care to imagine the white part of the "fairy tale"
  8. thank you for the translations of the conversations when I think some people on this forum will tell us or make us believe again that these girls are "angels" or "little girls" and that their life is "Alice In Wonderland" with rabbits and squirrels frolicking around them and the birds singing in the trees, everything is fine really pATHETIC
  9. moos54 839 membre avancé Modérateur global 839 1.783 messages Signaleur message CE Poste (e) 24 octobre Djoko pas d'informations sur les filles personnal dans le forum ouvert, donc pas de photos trop Tout cela sont contre les règles sur notre forum Merci de votre compréhension
  10. Many people on this forum do even more with a sense of reality so that you are blinded by the $ 45 / month you lose in RLC and indoctrinated by the BS that people tell you to hide the truth it becomes hopeless really I feel that one day or another I will explain the true concept of RLC and explain the reason why the presence of the girls on BCN Good day and good scam
  11. for once I will be agree with you in saying that Leona currently is the girl who is naturally without any artifice in this apartment for a long time Now I expect to see Nita if it will have the same behavior after the departure of Leona
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