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Everything posted by daily

  1. LOL I have enough evidence in my drawers to shout out loud what I tell (Danaya no signs of pregnancy in B2) always the same assholes team that they will not admit the truth I am not a member of the Catholic Relief serving soup RLC and girls who give no fuck for members of RLC Here you can tell your bullshit to fool people but 'there is one thing you forgot is that the law of silence does not exist outside of CC and many people in Spain, Ukraine and Russia give no fuck also for girls Now I will take everyone as a witness how Danaya could be connected to her accounts on social networks while she slept or not being present on her phone (telepathy) this girl is not able to do anything except suck cock and yet I'm nice when I say that how Danaya can have two different mothers Danaya was allowed out 5 times in nightclubs and 5 times in swingers club during pregnancy there's really comical in this forum good Sunday
  2. LOL si Danaya avait été enceinte de trois mois lors de son arrivée le 15 Décembre 2016 en B2 et quittée à 6 mois de grossesse le 08 Mars 2017 avec 15 cams braquées sur elle 24/7 , je pense que quelqu'un s'en serait aperçu , de plus nous avions le Replay et ce qui est étrange , je ne vois aucun signe , je dis bien aucun signe de grossesse de Danaya en B2 sur les nombreuses photos et vidéos que je possède donc à toi de faire ta propre conclusion LOL if Danaya had been pregnant for three months when she arrived on December 15, 2016 in B2 and left at 6 months of pregnancy on March 08, 2017 with 15 cams focused on her 24/7, I think someone would have noticed, moreover we had the Replay and what is strange, I see no sign, I mean no sign of pregnancy Danaya in B2 on the many photos and videos that I own So you have to make your own conclusion
  3. too funny this comment people in this forum have short and selective memory, I would not name but follow my eyes have a good day
  4. it's been over two years since I knew that one of these two girls loved to participate in orgies or kiss more so I am not surprised by the behavior of "Danaya" it perfectly fits the description that you gave me her
  5. that make me laugh when people talk about morality with "Danaya" I am not surprised by the behavior of this girl two other people in this forum have the answer to the question we asked ourselves to know that one of the girls with the nickname "Danaya" likes to participate in orgies Good day to you
  6. I will not criticize Nora because she does not interest me and I know that she has many fans on this forum on the other hand it follows a lot of members who are on CC and RLCFans is that there is a reason for that
  7. il faudra aussi que beaucoup de personnes m'expliquent comment une fille enceinte en B2 a pu cacher sa grossesse sachant qu'elle est arrivée dans cet appartement à 3 mois de grossesse ( 15 Décembre 2016 ) et elle a quitté B2 le 08 Mars 2017 à 6 mois de grossesse sachant qu'elle avait 15 cams braquées sur elle 24/7 et nous avions le Replay et que la plupart du temps elle se promenait à moitié nue ou était nue pour les douches ou les bains et à 6 mois de grossesse , cette fille se permettait encore de porter des pantalons en cuir je vois qu'il y a vraiment des experts ici
  8. toi retourne avec tes potes jouer dans le bac à sable avec ta pelle et ton seau et allez raconter votre bullshit à d'autres personnes mais pas à moi vous avez frapper à la mauvaise porte avec moi je n'harcèle pas ces filles en privé et je ne balance pas des noms de personnes sur ce forum qui m'ont aucuns liens ou aucunes activités avec ces filles pour cacher la vérité je pense avoir été clair
  9. good for you if you have the naiveté that everything is real with these girls and this site
  10. I am curious to know how the most "intelligent" people of this forum and who know all better than any other what stratagems and lies are they used to explain that we had the presence of two girls with the same pseudo: Danaya in 2016 in B1 with Ilona, Adèle and co and in 2016-2017 in B2 if people are suspicious of me and if you have photos of Danaya during these two periods, I advise you to check for yourself one of these two girls has a mole above the navel while the other has none and many other differences that I let you look for this will answer the many questions you have about the many physical changes of "Danaya" as well as the different personality of these two girls who had fun making each other pass for each other without anyone see something and all this permanent confusion with "Danaya" I think that RLC is not crazy enough to have Karol (Nora's friend) cohabit with "Danaya" when these two girls did not appreciate in B2 in 2017 and that Nora is still present and if I remember well it was not the great love between Nora with Danaya and Adele in 2016 in B1 now I let you make your own conclusion to all this "Danaya" who practices webcamming did indeed participate in RLC I'll let you pick when and when I love this game of mirror larks practiced by these girls and all bullshit deployed by many people to defend these girls is too funny RLC real life with real girls
  11. lol everything is wrong in these BCN apartments there are really comics on this forums that are not very observant and who really have a dick instead of the brain but good .... good day and good scam
  12. she is no longer with her BF and he was in another foreign country when Danaya was on BCN and B2 too funny all the bullshit that is counted on Danaya since come back without the people of this forum know what to be
  13. Salut Corbo homme sage et intelligent comme tu l'es , tu le sais bien qu'il ne faut jamais se fier aux apparances "Danaya " en B2 est bien sortie plusieurs fois en night-club ou clubs échangistes pendant sa grossesse si tu as compris ce que je veux dire et si tu te souviens de notre dernière conversation en privé
  14. le seul mot que nous pouvons comprendre quand ces filles parlent est le mot : cekc il se prononce de la meme façon en anglais et en français the only word we can understand when these girls are talking is the word: cekc: it is pronounced in the same way in English and French:
  15. I'm still here HFB, do not worry but useless blah blah I'm not interested
  16. the situation in B2 strangely reminds me that we could live with two other girls who spent most of their time outdoors to participate in orgies than worrying about the fate of the RLC subscribers who paid for that time there to watch an empty apartment and it is still one of his daughters who would kiss with Alex and her girlfriends in the swingers club when I think that many people are willing to do anything to defend those girls who do not give a fuck for anyone there 'really comical in this forum all good scam
  17. it is fine your Harley percentages and not be offended by what I'll tell you BTW for me all this does not change in my mind that these girls have chosen a lifestyle that is personal and does not need to be using that on this forum, they are large enough to fend for herself for this and we do not have to pay for it either it is their problem and not ours, so RLC does not need our money either and to be complicit in this whole charade
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