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Everything posted by daily

  1. be or not to be : that is the question the good William was right
  2. Thes also uses this expression : MIRROR AND SMOKE Thes would therefore also Harley
  3. Harley and I did not need to talk to understand and to be on the same wavelength after everyone sees what wants
  4. Unfortunately I must say that this is not the first time that such events occur outside it happens often that even RLC and girls give you the illusion of seeing the real while everyone is optical effect it's beautiful magic show RLC : MIRRORS AND SMOKE on these beautiful words I wish you a good night and a good scam
  5. VHTV why is so successful there is no ambiguity with those staying in their apartments and what they really offer their customers, they are not trying to hide anything at all and conclude they are much more open minded and more attentive to their customers As RLC will not understand what I just mean they will continue to go straight into the wall
  6. Daily? why are you talking to me , Joking aside though your chips of mobile phones of the girls could talk, I would not be surprised that many people in this forum are very surprised that they could learn and RLC subscriptions are still in free fall Good day and good scam
  7. BTW real life of these girls is outside but not inside the apartments RLC made me think about these soap operas US repetitive, boring and ultimately if you look good without really interest good day to you
  8. BTW translators well say what they want, after it there's a big gap between translations and reality
  9. I have nothing to prove to people that want to see what suits them, by against another person in this forum that I would not cite as of course has the same information as me and he can prove just as well as me A word good scam you
  10. everything that happens in these BCN's apartments are false and I can prove it easily As against all that is going on outside with these girls is real and I can prove it easily too
  11. I got RLC and these girls for a while because I still think now that these girls do not need our money, much less RLC it's really funny to see people on this forum defending girls who do not give a fuck for CC customers and RLC RLC SCAM Have a good day
  12. unless you have been on your knees too long to pray to the Sagrada Familia
  13. Harley, you know as well as me that it is easy for RLC and girls manipulate anyone and anytime, but good the website is called RealLifecam, So let them believe what they want to see really
  14. it's been a year and a half there is a problem with hot water B2 RLC is much faster to rip people
  15. Welcome back when some people in this forum had rejoiced your withdrawal CC, this made me chuckle and knowing you, I suspected that you were not far away as usual sly as a fox Good day to you
  16. for many people in this forum and these girls RLC they live in a real world where billions of people on this planet, they live in a virtual world
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