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Barry Elephant

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Everything posted by Barry Elephant

  1. I post very rarely, so I don't think I criticise anything by anyone, but if that's the way you I come across, I will live with it. I didn't think I was criticising you, and can't see how you get there from what I had to say. No hard feelings. I think I quoted you accurately - "people pay good money" I then said "you pay good money" and I suppose I should have more accurately said "one pays good money" but I am not feeling all that royal today. I think my meaning is pretty clear, and I think the distinction you are advancing is just artificial. Later I asked you a (largely rhetorical) question. 'you' was correct in that context. It's 'real life". AFAIK real life contains some boogers - sorry!
  2. you "pay good money" to see real life, in so far as that's possible, the private lives of normal people, remember? reality check: people pick their noses in private, sometimes obsessively, and service all manner of obsessions Surely you didn't "pay good money" to observe folk interacting with all the social grace they would employ at a formal dinner? You could have used your good money to just pay for a formal dinner, if so (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it that you don't like Paul, very few people do)
  3. Let's say he is, for a moment. Let's imagine that he has proof perfect that they earn their living lying down - which I don't except (actually, I don't accept it, but that's beside the point) So what? Big Fat So What? Why spew such hate for these girls on a forum like this? What does he accomplish by insulting them publicly? Why run the mouth like that? "Yeah yeah yeah, I am right about this and I can now say what I like about them" it's just bullying.
  4. Is right! whether you have evidence or not, it's just not cool to badmouth these girls. Not nice, not good manners, un-fucking cool, and no Corbo (et al) saying it's just 'your opinion' won't make it so. Sometimes its just plain good manners to keep your opinion to yourself. Be a gentleman, who knows when to stay silent, and show some class. The fact that its your honest-to-god-sorry-arsed opinion doesn't make it any better. These are real people you are talking about, and they read this shit.
  5. My "personal opinion" is that all the girls of RLC work for the intelligence services of their respective home governments, and this is how their lifestyles are funded. I mean it's obvious, and even if you disagree, you have to respect my "right" to have an opinion. (Did I hear someone say that opinions are like arseholes?...)
  6. er...right. Doubly hilarious this time. I will leave you to tongue-ing your cheeks, if you don't mind
  7. oh, sorry, in that case you were hilarious.
  8. er right this beautiful girl spends the morning hanging out naked while we watch, and this is what goes through your mind? It makes you want to post this? what, really? diet and exercise? lol!
  9. she is a doll mate, better than you will ever do. No airbrushing, no "exploding thighs" just a fit girl who has somehow got under your skin, for sure. weird.
  10. truth. aka Occam's razor. It could be usefully remembered by many of the conspiracy theorists on here "among competing hypotheses the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected" (simpler theories should be preferred to more complex ones)
  11. yes, I know you are. Sadly, you regularly make that clear
  12. Harley, I think we are beyond discussing pictures and down to quick fire fatmouthing. If you want to take it elsewhere, then let me know, but see if you can't get it out of the playground first
  13. Some people get laser treatment, yes. Many more don't. I know people who buy a car then wish they had bought 'the other one' within a week. They are never happy with what they have. Their experience does not represent that of everyone who buys a car. Tats can look good on anyone. I don't think mine look terrible, thank you very much, your opinion being noted.
  14. why do people without tattoos always assume that people with tattoos will regret them - usually in some arbitrary number of years? You may disagree now but you just wait for x years. Paternalistic prattle.
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