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Barry Elephant

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Everything posted by Barry Elephant

  1. this is quite correct - there are terms of membership. They don't contain any of the things that people decide for themselves they should be getting. from RLC you can't buy an ice cream then sue because there is no meat in it.
  2. that sounds like it would be more interesting for people who can only speak english
  3. of course they do - wouldn't you? that's probably why Paul is so hopelessly inhibited, given that he is routinely humiliated and insulted in these pages think what you would want to share with folks who were so bitter and nasty about you so loudly and publicly but the prattle continues unabated in other threads, even while the somewhat obvious reason for it is discussed here
  4. her hair is ok :) I was just looking for a better simile than "your opinion is a bit like your cock. just because you have one and we all know you have one doesn't mean it's okay to leave it hanging out everywhere you go"
  5. yes everyone is entitled to an opinion doesn't mean that everyone is entitled to express that opinion, however they want, without regard for the damage that expressing it might do having an opinion and running the mouth about it, expressing it in hurtful terms are totally different things I think my girlfriend's new hairstyle doesn't suit her. that's my opinion. I would be a fool to express it, and an even bigger fool to express it by telling her it looks like a skunk died on her head.
  6. this forum is filled with speculation about whether he (and others) read it I think that the general consensus is that they do. wouldn't you? - it's obvious really
  7. Paul may not be normal (I doubt many people are) what is seriously abnormal is the rush to criticise him, when that can only degrade your RLC experience
  8. I think sometimes people cover or divert attention from their own inadequacies by pointing at those of others whatever your opinion of Paul, if it is as negative as some I have read, it isn't going to improve your RLC experience by spouting it on here, and will probably have the opposite effect. so what's the motivation for all the studs on here constantly criticising his performance? The malicious glee with which it is practiced, the care with which these criticisms are constructed, does nobody any credit, it's just schoolyard nasty, and might just say more than is intended.
  9. most of these posts say more about the posters than they do Paul never knew there were so many studs on here. wonder how they have the time for RLC?
  10. probably a lot of what is "wrong" is what he reads on here. I would have thought there was enough of it by now.
  11. sorry to disappoint you, but no I am sure Paul would have something more to say, if he could. As he can't, then you can probably work out for yourself what else might happen.
  12. just wondering...what with all you super studs sitting in constant judgment, looking for any reason to slag him off, what do you expect to see happen?
  13. if that is the case, then that is to your credit. anyone can have an opinion, and that can lead to criticism, just or unjust. that's life. the trade in casual insults against the tenants on this site is disgraceful, however. and it probably has more of an effect than we realise.
  14. This is REALLY well observed and seems it would account for the chilling effect that Layla's arrival had, and almost everybody noticed. Hard for the others to be full of fun when there is this frost from Layla towards one of them (Anna).
  15. we are paying $0.12 per apartment per day this one had 4 girls - that's $0.03 each and we are talking about a rip off? what you get for your $45 per month is set out in the RLC terms and conditions. That's what you bought, nothing else.
  16. :o) subject to that, it would be a breeze. all the experts are on this forum!
  17. There are so many people on here who seem to know how to run RLCs business so well that I am surprised that a few of you haven't got together and started an alternative. It wouldn't be difficult with all the expertise here in the forums. why not get your heads together and start it? you couldn't do any worse
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