Okay I don't wanna argue with you I just still think everybody armed with guns does not solve our problems. I understand that there are areas in some US cities where you better don't go unarmed. But that's the failure of the government not giving people there a perspective in life.
I wish you never have to use that gun and nobody ever will use one against you my friend.
Is that how media reports in USA about Germany? Sure we have some problems with migrants but there are no gang rapes and the police and our government does enough to protect us. I don't feel unsafe in Germany and I don't need a gun at all. I never even considered applying for an allowance to own a gun...
You can't be serious about that. Look here of course guns are the problem. Almost 11.000 deaths by guns in the USA this year. www.gunviolencearchive.org
In Germany with strict laws against guns we had 70 deaths last year. USA has 5 times more people so it would make 350 dead. And now tell me again strict laws are not necessary