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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. What happened? Did she spit it out?
  2. I really hope that they will be gone soon. And if Kent really convince them to Start hiding again besides living in the dark they will be gone too. VV already had quite a lot of complaints about them. Few more and they can pack too I suppose
  3. I wish I could understand that coffee klatsch now
  4. I posted this before the sex Session in bed room. I meant the cam in living room. It was really grainy and you can't see very well. But besides that I stay with my opinion that I do not like sex in the dark Even if NV quality are quite good
  5. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Anybody seen Ivo and Sonya today?
  6. Yep maybe they are just there to say goodbye
  7. Wonder what the mole couple does now in Tula
  8. Wonder who pressed record. Cant really see anything with that shitty NV quality
  9. Ah the mole pair in the dark again
  10. Yeah thats strange. I will tweet them about it
  11. Nick sleeping on sofa again
  12. I sometimes ask myself if Lisa could be a borderliner?
  13. Arguement on bed now. Nick is really upset and pissed
  14. They have problems again. He in bedroom and she in living room. That cant go well for a long time with that couple. They are arguing too much.
  15. Yeah yeah you are right. But let us dream at least for a little bit
  16. Yeah good lighting and good cams
  17. Hehe that would be really cool. And maybe a third big room appartement where all can meet for party. I like that thought
  18. Sorry what do you mean with test is complete? That is proven those two are not entertaining?
  19. I too think its influence from family or friends. But anyway in two days they will be gone. So I really dont care anymore about them.
  20. Anybody noticed how much time Lisa stays in bed or under a blanket since they return? I think that's her way to say f*ck you VV and members. Voro is so boring like watching paint dry on a wall
  21. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Why dont you like pics of Petra? Shes in great shape considering her age
  22. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    I must say I really like the chemistry between the people in Tver. They seem to really like each other and do stuff like cooking and eating always together. And there is usually some nice action too. It is not a non stop action appartement but usually nice to watch
  23. But again in the dark... But it is a step into the right direction They are not like G&K thats for sure
  24. Shower with curtain again of course
  25. Ok got the confirmation from VV they will definitely leave august 10th. So they did not take the chance to improve and stay and VV did the only right thing in my opinion.
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