Well I think it is still not to late stopping putting oil into the fire. But that must be done together with all nations (USA, China, Russia, EU) Only the USA will make it worse.
Well that is true. Might be even a promotion for him 😉
I think Kim is a thread to world peace and I do not think acting like Trump does will lead to success. However when he succeeds this way without any war I will be really impressed.
Nope I do not agree with its foreign policy and wars
That's right
Not really
Finally a good idea 😃
Why getting personal and insulting me?
I see myself in the middle. Not left and not right.
Can I call you McCarthy now? 😂
Well I do not see any problem when Iran wants to use nuclear power peacefully. Who are we to forbid this?
But not even Trump will be so stupid to attack Iran.
I do not live in Berlin. You threaten people without having proof at all. My head is not buried in the sand. I just do not drink the Kool-Aid the news wants us to. Sometimes it helps watching more than one news channel. And understanding history is another important point when it comes to that.
Well Russia imposes no threat and no illegal sanctions to Germany. There are no Russian troops in Germany and they always have been reliable partners to Germany. They USA do not want the pipeline because then they no longer can sell their oil here. It is most likely never about politics but always about money. There is no state different when it comes to that 😉
Okay show me. The IAEA did not find any. It is as laughable as saying the Iraq had weapons of mass destruction as causa belli
Here is the famous lie again:
This war was under a mandate of the United Nations.
The US presence is only there because of the oil not to protect these countries...
When there is no oil the US troups won't stay long. See the Kurds in the northern territories of Syria...
There is no proof for that at all.
I can understand seeing the (illegal) sactions the US put on Iran. This is the way to build new terrorists not to fight them...