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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Fully agree. I was talking about the transitions as you explicitely mentioned them...
  2. Never heard that. We do not have such a thing in Germany.
  3. As far as I know all New Years transitions were already over when the site went offline. Please correct me when I am wrong.
  4. You know splitting a site is basically just add another junction linking to a different URL. You can do that in ten minutes. THe real problem is the hoster. Regardless if they have 1 or 100 different sites. So the strategy of more sites has absolutely nothing to do with this.
  5. I agree. The technology they use by themselves is pretty good and not the problem but pairing it with a bad hoster is the problem.
  6. VHTV can do nothing when their hoster is down but wait and call there and kick their asses to work faster 😜
  7. Well why not choose AWS or Google? They are very reliable and have basically zero downtimes. Happy new year to you too my friend 😘
  8. Well it is only indirectly their fault by chosing a bad hoster apparently. Like when your internet at home fails. Very annoying thing. I am afraid VHTV can nothing do but wait til hoster fixes the problems. Usually you have a 12 or 24 hrs support contract with those hosters. Better hosters usually are faster and have less downtimes.
  9. I don't want to be picky @StnCld316 but this topic has the wrong name (2019) 😉
  10. Happy new Year my dear Ash. I wish you all the best with your ring 😃😍
  11. Reminds me of that old Italian Mafia movies😁
  12. Happy New Year 2020 @Grace & Jacob ❤️
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