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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. No surprise. Visa expired. Soon Marilyn and her bf will leave too
  2. They already had a house and I am pretty sure they will get an own place very soon 👍
  3. Sometimes they do a "Grace" and stick their pussy to cams but most of the time they are not home or quite boring. I agree.
  4. Sometimes Misty can be wild but sometimes she has moments where she looks sad and not fun. She always smoked a lot by the way.
  5. Would be fun to see her in an own place. Competition with Misty would be fun 🤣
  6. 49 seems to be a good friend of her. It's good when he's around when she needs something or has an itch down there 😂
  7. Totally looks like bones. Have no idea why.
  8. Well AJ need views they could invite each other. And even include Misty's guys.
  9. She really should meet with Anica & Joel. Or invite Dean or Nathan 😉
  10. Speaking of me I like that look. I don't have much things which are not from use at my place too. I don't like it too have so much stuff around. Reduced and functional is how I like it.
  11. Well I like clean and reduced looking places. I can't stand it when too much stuff around. Maybe it's same with Misty.
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