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Everything posted by martyen

  1. you are right, I do not really look anymore. Today it was curiosity ......... before this apartment closes its doors
  2. . Nina is an open girl ......... of wit.... I think George agrees with that.
  3. I'm not a fan of Jeka, and less and less Alice's fan. But I'm surprised that nobody talks about Sara and Jeka this afternoon, yet Sara showed us her third eye..... another look
  4. I have to leave I hope that everything will be arranged for Victoria finding the strength to move is the hardest, his position on the toilet is not reassuring, risk of falling and or bumping
  5. the problem is that Victoria has set the lock may be that RLC will put the apartment in U / M
  6. you are right in part, but for me I expect nothing from her. If she shows I look if she does not show anything I do not care. Victoria interests me much more
  7. You say : even drunk Angelika happens to show nothing, she's very strong but even sober it shows nothing ...
  8. Victoria is sitting on the floor of the bathroom I hope everything is okay for her. The door is closed no one can enter. 6:53 Victoria is now lying on the floor of the bathroom and Angle-Lick is in bed without shower.
  9. The girls B2 are back 6:11 Victoria is drunk direction toilet to vomit Angle-Lick (Angelika) seems sober direction the kitchen to make to eat
  10. Hello everyone, I think Lisa has a message for us ........ Thank you Lisa for this session of masturbation, sensual and intense
  11. Good night at all, I wanted to see Angelika take a shower but I think that making a (5000 pieces puzzle), would take less time to realize. please make me lie Angelika
  12. can be that Angle-Lick read my message she seems to think about how to act in the apartment. Take a shower ? sleeping naked? show my breasts? Why am I here? drink a lot of alcohol? maybe I have to go home? make money? what are my priorities? ...
  13. I wanted to intervene on your previous post, but as you answer to my post I take advantage to say that I is not much hope coming from Angle-Lick (Angelika) For following the conversation between Victoria and Angle-Lick last night, even if you do not understand the Russian you can understand that she will do nothing in front of the cams . Obviously it is my interpretation and my few words of Russian that make me say this Look at the replay, back from Angle-Lick around midnight I think or 1 am. of course a Russian translator would be the solution to invalidate or confirm my remarks. I say that my hopes of seeing Angelika change for the better are 8/20. I add that she seems to have a great body
  14. normally 4 new girls in B2 let it think a better month, but it is worse than before. Big disappointment for me especially from Leona knowing his antecedents I expected better. Nita does not even benefit from the city she follows Leona when it is possible otherwise it is the sofa or the bed. Angle-Lick (Angelika) is just on vacation guest status is more suitable for her . The good surprise can come from Victoria, she is more comfortable in the shower in her room and sleeps without underwear. I know it's impossible to be satisfied to 100% but there is nothing to look at, I think that is the general feeling for B2 in any case it is mine
  15. I understand what you mean, Miss X has nothing to do with Angelika, I hope you will agree with me on one point (that the length of stay of Angelika is as long as that of Miss X)
  16. Hello everyone, Angelika make me think more about Miss X than Amy, at least Amy took showers and was dynamic ( dance massage )
  17. never Phil kissed Lena and never Lena kissed Phil, today is the first time. The two sequences were fine, thank you Lena Katie and Phil ..
  18. I agree with you and I add the first picture shows the whole body the second her chest and the third she hides her breasts and yet she has very beautiful breasts ( subliminal message for VH and possibly for Jeka .......I love this girl pity she is just a guest ....)
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