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Everything posted by martyen

  1. hello Kale I find the word excessive rape especially if you saw the flow, it is Ilona who takes the initiatives not the opposite . here's the reason when I say that Ilona seems excessive in her screams it's to motivate and please Tim, and for following Ilona to B1 she watched a lot of porn movies that can be a reference to her. I find Tim very passive and watching a porn movie while they fuck can appear strange. but we all have a different sexuality and I am just surprised in good of Ilona
  2. I do not think Ilona's cries were cries of pain, but to be honest it sounded more like cries of motivation for Tim. I do not remember that Ilona was a noisy girl (masturbation with or without dildo) Obviously the context is not the same. I think that Ilona takes pleasure, but with some form of exaggerated simulation. Maybe Ilona has watched too many porn movies.
  3. unlike the world of RLC that looks small,. .. but you're right, good news for Renata and us. Evening in perspective? Yana seems closer than my first look may be that Renata is Yana's friend...
  4. Hello everyone visit Renata at Ilona, obviously good friends and good relationship with Yana opening a bottle of Tequila I believe or vodka
  5. Hello ED you have probably misread my post, because I say I prefer to watch Zlata evolve and if possible in a way agreeable to me (less back to the cam for example) be more natural I know it is difficult but the girls know that they are filmed and especially observed, the timidity does not have much space in the kind of program . And finally Irina showed nothing more than her last visit. as I said in a previous post a had the guest statue. Irina is a hot girl who prefere to take cold outside
  6. hello everyone I agree with the three hot girls. 1 Tereza 2 Irina 3 Renata but none has a natural attraction or can be Renata, what I mean is that I can not get hooked to one of her as I was for Karol Angelina Sofie or Nicole. As Naga I find Zlata pretty but is not my kind she does not have the sensual touch like number 1 Sofie. Obviously the atmosphere at B2 will not fix the situation for her. and none of the other girls could help her. I watched a scene yesterday Zlata was doing her puzzle and Irina was behind her and watched her do her puzzle and I'm sure Irina thought why this girl is there. Obviously there is a contrast between Irina and Zlata but I prefer to watch Zlata get in tune with what I expect from a shy girl the solution would be that Irina shares time with Zlata, I know the path will be long, but the miracles exists even if I am not a believer I hope
  7. I wish you a good night at all. I just made a tour of the other apartments they are almost all in quiet or sleepy mode, to watch Masha's apartment. Good night..
  8. .... it's just for your morale. maybe the next girls will be naked and in high-heeled shoes
  9. I think Zlata needs to sleep ...... unfortunately RLC did not take the right Zlata
  10. Hi Bud I had the same impression for her first visit, but Irina had the guest statue so I could understand her behavior. but now she is a tenant with the same gestures when it comes to nudity. She makes the maximun not to be seen in the costume of Eve. Irina will be a paradox, a hot modest girl. Obviously it takes time and I hope as soon as possible
  11. Hello everyone I see that Irina is back, welcome Irina I hope your stay will be the measure or more than my Sofie ..
  12. no chance to see Lola leave tonight so I wish you all a good night and may be tomorrow. a thought for Karol Angelina Nicole Sofie and all those affected by hurricanes
  13. Spock I do not usually criticize posts but I must tell you that it is boring to always read the same thing and I will end up believing that you are Mr. Box under another avatar. at first I wanted to understand you as I did for Mr. Box but now that everyone knows your point of view why continue in this direction? It would be easier to send an email to RLC as I do when I'm not satisfied with something and sometimes RLC responds favorably. But you are free to disregard the posts of CC and mine in particular, but there is no dialogue with you and for me it is a problem. As I told you RLC has the means to keep both Barca and open an apartment that will please you
  14. 2 good news, clean room Lisa and opening room Lola if RLC could give a plan to go to the airport because I think since her return too long she forgot how to get there
  15. I have already expressed for Polya Lola Anna Caroline Stella these girls make use of the apartments as a hotel to make money outside I said a few months ago that the return of Polya and Lola was not a good idea that they were there for the whole summer period (closing night clubs mid September) why close B1 and B2? RLC has the means to keep these two apartments and open apartments that you like it's just a matter of casting
  16. Hello Spock I understand your message but you forget that Barca's apartments are managed differently than all others including KKK . Barca girls have a contract of one to three months it is difficult for a girl to actually express herself during a given period, some do it very well Irma is a good example of another takes time example Sofie, but the ultimate goal is to get known or noticed for magazines or of the productions the common denominator is the image to be known to be recognized. the idea of RLC to put apartments under surveillance 24/7 is intended for adults (cams in the bathrooms in the bedrooms) so it is necessary to find girls able to be filmed in all the nude circumstances or that n have no problems with nudity is if we think there are not many girls in this category since the opening of B1 and B2. Irma, seems to me most natural especially at his first visit. The other girls are or have were in permanent control (cams angles etc ...) I Include My Favorite Girls ( Karol Angelina Sofie Nicole). You will never have real life at B1 and B2 a solution would be a good casting with girls open and no problem with nudity. RLC has the keys but obviously not the right locks.
  17. hello everyone I read many messages between yesterday and today some resume my negative and positive opinion. The problem for me is that we want apartments that live with girls as much as possible inside, but if I take the case of Zlata it does not bring anything more to raise the level of interest (not clothes very sexy turns her back on the cam when she is naked in the bedroom does a puzzle etc ...) so it is negative for me and yet this girl has all the codes we want, pretty, with beautiful breasts, long legs, etc ... surely nice and yet it does not interest me other case Tereza very pretty girl a superb body sexy clothes no problems with cams, and yet this girl does not interest me . two different girls and yet who looks alike (they do not do anything for RLC customers so we, me) Fortunately Renata and sometimes Sher keeps B1 to be watched I do not forget Regina but for me it is in another category (funny girl and sometimes sexy like Lisa) this post only engages me, it's just my point of view
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