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Everything posted by martyen

  1. may be a sign to start crossing your fingers and light a candle at the church. a question why RLC did not put the apartment in UM? for Lisa?
  2. sorry I did not see the departure of Lisa been you on that is difinitive? if it is yes then I wish a long and happy life and thank you for a few moments shared with us
  3. hello everyone, I was watching Sher tonight, and I was sad to watch her alone on her pc drink until she was sick. I reflected on his behavior that makes me think twins sisters much similarity. for some time Sher is more often alone because Regina comes out much the same for Mia. Remember you Lia often returned late leaving her sister alone. Lia and Mia were fused by blood and twins. Same case for Regina and Sher can be are they sisters or a couple or just very good friends? I do not have the answer. Regina got closer to Tereza . the same for Lia and Irma. I agree that Irma has the easy touch but had more feeling with Lia may be that a certain jealousy is installed in both cases. I could go on with similarities, but I just wanted to understand Sher's attitude last night that is my new favorite with Renata. Many questions but no answer to give you
  4. It is very difficult to replace a girl like Sofie Nicole Angelina .... but it is very easy to replace Polya because Polya organizes the outings in clubs recruits a leader to take his place example: Helen and now Tereza for Sher and Regina it is slightly different but the principle is the same, to interest RLC clients with paintings on the body, dances , massages, etc. I sincerely hope that Renata will follow her own path. She seems withdrawn from other girls who for me is a good thing, but to be honest I like Sher and Regina. Same observation for Lola but more difficult for her to B2. Nicole Sofie have made their own way. The next leader at B2 is Lisa a girl funny but not very sexy and the arrival of Zlata will be interesting to follow as always this is only my opinion
  5. hello everyone, I want to be positive despite the departure of Sofie. so the positive side is that I only focus on Renata. second side positive I think everyone received the RLC mail. and the interesting part for me concerns Sofie I think Sofie will be the next occupant of the appart (couple on vacation) and to finish on the positive here is a picture of Zlata ..
  6. I agree with your message but for me it seems to me that a massage is more appropriate for a site like RLC
  7. I do not want to create a polemic, but body painting is an art and Sports Illustrated is a good example, the drawings of the girls of B1 and sometimes B2 is disgusting I prefer a massage between girls that takes the same time and is more sensual. ok all girls are not artists in painting, so if you were bad in a discipline made something else. In my memories Megan Karol the twin sisters are artists in this artistic field
  8. Hi Bud I have never doubted your love for Sofie, this is one of the reasons I appreciate you, even your critical posts make me think you were mocking sometimes frustrated but never hurtful. I joined your post to renew my virtual love to Sofie who helped me involuntarily to endure my health problem. I wish Sofie and the other girls of my heart (Karol Angelina Nicole) all the happiness which merit ..
  9. hello Amy I found your explanation excellent and some adjustment will be necessary, I am not camgirl I prefer to see also the person evolve in his apartment like Katlyn. But you're right you have to leave a chance to CRD to try things I hope that Camarads will find the best compromise to satisfy the maximum of people. I am very happy to communicate with you I very often agree with your posts on another site. and thanks to you I will look at this apartment differently
  10. I do not even understand the usefulness of opening an apartment, (couple on vacation) the only interest for me is to see Ilona fucked but after a few days it will be routine, in addition the cams are misplaced and the only cam valid (the 8) is to see Tim in close-up. I will wait a bit before criticizing but of what I saw does not give envy.
  11. I do not even understand the usefulness of opening such an apartment that resembles the sites cam4 chaturbate etc ...
  12. it is possible that Alice Pavel and or Violet Jeff take the apartment S X G D first they packed their clothes and secondly the apartment of Jeka is offline can be a hope
  13. hello Naga happy to meet you and be again agree with you 100%. Just the ranking of the girls and different for me
  14. Renata had very little contact with Polya who can explain why I think she may have a chance to differentiate from other girls. same thing with Lola the girls who did not follow were the most interesting (Nicole Sofie in particular) I hope that Renata will continue in solo at least as much as possible
  15. for me Renata is the girl who can make me look B1, she is a pretty girl and seems to want to share her life on RLC with us (her bates her phone conversations her showers etc ...) nothing to expect from Tereza and the other girls unless they are drunk then maybe we'll have a bate under cover. Otherwise B1 remains a hotel, like B2 needs alcohol to do something interesting for us the difference with B1 and that Lisa bate without blanket.
  16. hello everyone, absent for almost a month for personal reasons. My return coincides with the departure of my Sofie at the beginning we were very little to support Sofie, with the weeks that passes the personality of Sofie has shown that she is an endearing girl. sweet, pretty, sensual, sexy, sometimes naive but never vulgar I enjoyed every moment with her . I believe that the fact that Sofie does not drink has strengthened my attachment to her. Unlike other girls who need alcohol and other stuff to entertain us. With Sofie a lot of sensual moment, strange, sexy and sometimes funny as the night with Irina with the guy who wanted to talk to Irina, in time there were all the ingredients for a good memory (2 sexy girls a massage and a laugh after the guy's departure bedroom) . Thank you for all this time shared with us. You are and will remain in my heart. I wish you a long and happy life. Thanks Sofie ..
  17. Hello Kitty . I'm a fan of your personality. I would like you to draw a heart on the wall of the bathtub with lipstick. obviously you are not obliged it's just a message for us, thank you in advance ..
  18. Sorry Groomy I misinterpreted your post, and even more because I received the same message from VH
  19. I agree 100% with your post and the problem is that this apartment will be online another month if I understood the post of Groomy. By the way, the girl is very pretty
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