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Everything posted by martyen

  1. a humorous thought I think Zlata extended his visa, to take Lola's room, with Sia
  2. totally agree with you. I am surprised of the choice of Anna and Alex, from the opening of this apartment I had a bad feeling. Small details the shower curtain, 2 beds in the room, 3 guys names for a girl name and especially the head of the guys, psychopath, a boat captain stranded and a geek without a computer. I know that we should not judge the physics of the people but this is the impression I had, and I am sad for Anastasia, she seems to be a nice girl but without personal will she reminds me of Rose and Artur Waiting To Exist
  3. I have the impression that co-habitation is not the right formula. Obviously the best example is SXGD, but the same can be said for ARAJ . KPLP is also a cohabitation but they have to make a lot of effort to please us, and I'm not sure they are able to provide more, the last step (the exchange of partners) can be fatal for the friendly agreement of the four I'm not talking about Anna and Alex as they are manager and that Bree and Drew are on the same wavelength (lifestyle)
  4. I wonder if Serena does not have an infection to her pussy, or a problem of her kind. Because for the moment nobody could or wanted to lick her pussy (Nina, Alan, Edna) it's just a reflection
  5. Hi Golfer, we can say that Jeka is not very lucky with his tenant, I say in a humorous tone but with a certain truth
  6. Hello everyone, I am not a good feeling about this couple, certainly exemplary regarding sex but boring the rest of the time Violet is not the problem but rather the behavior of Jeff. This couple makes me think of Silvia and Josh the aesthetic in less. Very little freedom for Violet Jeff is like his shadow, the same behavior for Josh to Silvia. I saw it instead in an apartment style Camarads to do Webcaming. I find Violet sad I do not know if she is sick or a quarrel with Jeff but since opening the apartment she is remote from Jeff and as no luck the sofa chosen by Violet is far from the cams. I hope this beautiful couple will find happiness in this apartment, even if my feeling is different
  7. I have to leave and like the majority of the forum I wish a fantastic three good night. And as the tradition says: Happy Birthday Serena ........
  8. Thank you Amy, for me George is in the spirit Vh I'm looking for. voluntary and endearing tenants, cams well place, guests to invite again. This apartment is my favorite since the beginning, far ahead of Alex and Anna Alice and Pavel and Katie / Phil Lena / Peter who are the other apartments I follow
  9. Hello or good evening to all, first thank you girls I loved your relationship to three with Edna wonderful woman of pleasure, Serena beautiful woman enjoying, and Nina magnificent dominating woman in the making. However two small reviews. 1: the lighting to review 2: too many accessories and not enough lesbian exchanges. But this is nothing you have were all three perfect. I have a question for the forum and or for the manager George has it several apartments or just the one there? thanks again girls
  10. they repaired the door to Lola's room, a view of the handle on the door missing before the U / M.
  11. hello Ash, I'm not a florist, but my uncle is a great creator of floral composition and I learned a lot by his side her advice my served in the women's approach a bouquet of flowers to the same effect as a jewel, I speak about the time of the offering, because the flowers are ephemeral and when the woman receives flowers she has the same face that if it was a jewel, but as I say it all depends on the feeling sought (love, friendship, rupture etc ...). I hope my message is not too boring and that it answers your question It was a pleasure to answer
  12. a good florist gives this kind of advice, so I'm not sure she's for Nina. No red roses symbol of love, but maybe you are right that just the bouquet he liked without thinking about the color codes, we will see
  13. Hello everyone I agree with the fact that the behavior of the tenants is orchestrated, even feel for the guests, many details go in this direction Remember the message of Serena in English face cam in the presence of Nina ( Serena says : I'm sorry, but I'm sick, the next time will be better) Yesterday Edna just after watching her phone changes position, Serena's buttock massage etc ... this is not a reproach, it was very good I think yesterday had to be a foursome, but for some unknown reason it was a 2 + 2 I also wanted to say that Edna practiced the anal on her first visit to Nina's room and Alan did it, for yesterday I do not know bad cam angle and I'm not sure. And to finish my message Alan's intention of buying flowers can have a double interpretation three colors make up this bouquet: Pink, White, Yellow..... Offer pink roses Symbol: The pink rose transmits affection, softness, modesty, fidelity and pays tribute to feminine beauty. It can express a loving feeling, but with a much softer meaning than the red rose. In a compound bouquet, its presence reinforces the message of the other flowers..... Offer white roses Offer yellow roses Symbol: Yellow symbolizes light, heat and sun. The yellow rose is thus ideal for expressing friendly feelings. But beware ! In the language of love, offering it is much more delicate: it can express betrayal, infidelity or even rupture, or even a forgiveness solicited or granted ... Gare misunderstandings therefore! Symbol: The white rose expresses above all the purity and sincerity of feelings, but also chaste love, attachment and peace. It can be offered in many circumstances, its message not necessarily in love .....
  14. the wrong person is not Renata but Tereza, she is the copy of Polya. Tereza wants to be the head of the apartment and if you do not want to do what she says or propose then you are her enemy...... and contrary to the message of gtiioniq, I think that Renata is a very sociable girl.... alas this conversation will not fix the situation in his favor (Renata) opposite to other girls. only time can arrange things and also the departure of Tereza .........and Lola..
  15. hello everyone and hello Calatilla, for following the conversation from the beginning I can say that the subject of the dispute is the behavior of Tereza towards Renata, I do not want to speculate, but it seems to me that Renata reproaches to Sher and Regina for the attitude towards her since Tereza 's return.
  16. hi BB it is always a pleasure to hear from you. I rarely go on Leora's page, but I follow her a lot, especially when she's alone, (sorry Paul) for me she's intriguing and sexy since all her years. She succeeded to renew herself (Twerk, Anal with or without dildo etc ...) I do not like much couple apartments, but I look at the guests who often bring a good reason to look (sex or funny moment or both) I look at B1, B2 and the three K even though since Sofie's departure few girls catches my attention. so my friend, I have to leave I hope to read you in the near future here or on another page good night to you
  17. thank you for your answer, like you I was a free cams to follow Leora in the old apartment, and the frustration was right with me and my card visa, I liked the couple Anton and Alina and of course the Irma's first visit and maintenance after 10 minutes of presence at a crucial time, I never understood why, but I have good memories of that time. again thank you Leora. Naga I tell you later
  18. Hello to you two, I intervene on your messages for two reasons, the first reason is the pleasure to see your names on the same page, which reminds me of the good times spent on B2, the second reason is for music, like BB I prefer G. and R, but I must say that I prefer to watch Leora dance on Marilyn Manson. I rarely go to Leora's page so I will take advantage of my message to say that Leora is the person who infuenced me to register on RLC and for that I say thank you Leora and I love your carpet. Naga we have the same taste for women, and I agree with you the guest of the three K was fabulous to follow I hope to see her soon. to later friends here or elsewhere. ..
  19. sorry to use your avatar name, but B2 is a phantom apartment with some furtive apparitions . Hope is in the new girls coming but when? and that? ....
  20. I alternated the two apartments since Sofie left, the last one was B1 without Tereza, but since his return I can no longer look with pleasure. and B2 is completely indifferent.
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