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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. Round 1 was a bust for ol' Dylan. Guess he'll have to get her drunker.
  2. Dylan looks like a douche in that white outfit. What is that Retro 70's porn. All he needs is a cheesy stache
  3. Shrek on his phone texting his mother. "Thanks for the Birthday Gift (Fiora), I'm no longer a 40 year old virgin".
  4. There is not passion between these two. It comes off simply as an attempt to gain viewership.
  5. From the little bit I saw them this morning on the couch, Fiora's demeaner while around Shrek is nothing like when Caveman Vamp was banging her like a screen door in a tornado.
  6. I saw that. I was wondering if she did the same when I saw him eating her ass. Something tells me not.
  7. How funny was it when he was pounding her on the couch that the laundry rack at the end of the couch took a dive and interrupted Shrek's job.
  8. I've come up with his name....SHREK. The only difference is that he's not green. Wasn't the real Shrek married to Fiona (dang close to Fiora)
  9. Just found this Thread. Very interesting stats. Thank you Noldus for compiling.
  10. From my personal experience, I wasn't aware of CC until after I had cancelled my RLC subscription in May 2022.
  11. He embraces her, but she doesn't return. Really awkward.
  12. I wonder if it's an old bf that has come to visit. It doesn't appear to be a new relationship. Judging by Fior demeanor.
  13. I think Boggy got jealous. But Martina got tired of Nelly's over indulgences.
  14. Well maybe not. She seems sad about something.
  15. I get the sense he's family. Maybe her brother.
  16. Maksim wasn't a complete dick. He just would rather stay home and Lope His Mule (ala dick) than hang with Leia and the gals.
  17. There's been a thousand miles of cock strokes since the words Masha and Virgin were last uttered in the same sentence.
  18. She holds it open to long and she'll wish she applied sunscreen.
  19. She's going to have back problems carrying those huge bags around.
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