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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. Timmy and Tani trying to compete for top views. Maybe they're the warmup act.
  2. When I first saw her smallish redhead, I was hoping it was Piper.
  3. If You're a CamCap Premium Member, I'll post some pictures under Current Pictures / Waterworks
  4. Big time squirter. Have your rain gear handy when watching Electtra.
  5. Checking their viewership numbers to see if they are makin' money. Also, drag it out to get the maximum about of viewer minutes, which equates to money.
  6. How do you know they got married? I didn't get an invite...lol
  7. Bogdan is still trying to recover from moving Radi's belongings. The look on his face when he showed up to move her out was priceless. I wish I could post a picture.
  8. Not as much as I use to when I was a Premium Member and before I was aware of these MB's.
  9. As much as I'd like to see some three way intimacy, don't think it'll happen.
  10. Showing that Leia has moved in with Karol & Kos.
  11. She and Nelly rocked it for awhile back. Unfortunately that went away.
  12. Chill! Remember this is a Message Board about a Voyeur Site. As I've stated, I don't understand the conversation, so I have to go off of what I see. It's my interpretation, simple as that. It's not like I'm dictating procedures for brain surgery. It's entertainment. Don't get so bent out of shape because someone sees it differently than you.
  13. It's my belief. You're entitled to yours. But you don't need to be critical of someone that feels differently.
  14. I'll respond to you later with what I viewed that told me that Radi's leaving was not her decision.
  15. I also agree that Loraine had a lot to do with Radi leaving. Radi had been looking for a companion at the Villa ever since she was moved there in Sept. 2021. She originally was targeting Karol, but that unfortunately never materialized. She had brief episodes with Loraine and Olivia along the way, but these were pretty much staged events for the viewers. When Tweety and Holly moved into the Villa in late Nov or early Dec., it became quite apparent to me that Radi was smitten with the younger Tweety, culminating with their first sexual encounter on December 17th. Tweety left about 3 weeks later, only to return in Mid February. During her time away, Cecilia came into the picture. In looking back, it was obvious that Loraine was jealous of the attention/relationship of Radi with Tweety and Cecilia. I believe Loraine was a major contributor to RLC deciding to remove Radi. I think she expressed her willingness to have a relationship with what turned out to be Samson, because she knew Radi would never do it. That and convincing Tweety to reject Radi, primarily because of the drug use. I got the sense on multiple occasions that Radi tried to convince Tweety to try them, but you could tell she was not comfortable with the idea and express her feelings to RLC. It was at this time (Mid to Late March) that Radi was notified of being terminated (epic meltdown). That's the way I saw things.
  16. I've made this comment before regarding Masha. As she's been for the most part been part of the RLC ensemble since I first started viewing (back when she and Sasha were together). In my opinion, her role with RLC is both as a subject matter and also involved with recruiting/talent coordinator. In the past when I was a Premium Member and I could view a lot more. I always got the sense that she went to Barcelona with a purpose related to the crew in said city. For example, at the end of last year (after Christmas and New Years), she showed up specifically to see and hang with Radislava. My impression was she was trying to convince Radi of doing something different in her role (i.e. only girls). But Radi wasn't keen to the idea (past attempts at introducing a guy into her life failed). It was only a couple weeks after Masha was there that Cecilia showed up on the scene. A compromise I guess. I think that Radi's failure to take up Masha's suggestion, ultimately led to her being let go. Since almost as soon as she left, that the two muscle heads (Samson & Thor) showed up. Personally, I have to give it to Radi for holding to her convictions, even though it cost her and her fans as well.
  17. Haven't checked out Leora in a while. Nice looking Landing Strip she's growing out. I like nicely trimmed "accessories".
  18. I'd love to see Alex reprise her girl/girl role that she put on display a couple years ago when she was a tenant in B5. That was until Lucian walked in with her mouth stuck to their roommates pussy without his approval. After that whenever she got to eat at the Y (Kim), it was only when he was present.
  19. I get the sense that Olivia is just waiting for a spot to open up. Similar to when Ava and Matt hung with Masha prior to going to Barcelona. Personally I'm not a huge fan of Olivia. But that's just me.
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