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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. Masha on an extended vacation. Off to scout potential new recruits on Spring Break.
  2. Possibly watching some porn on her phone in the LR.
  3. Massage done. How long before Karol is scratching one out.
  4. Mr. Black is getting quite the workout of late.
  5. Sounds like a repeat of what happened almost 2 years ago when they were in B4.
  6. You can post whenever you like. Max doesn't own these boards. But he sure thinks he does.
  7. That's why I canceled my Premium subscription last May when the ultimate "Showgirl", Radislava left.
  8. RLC pays well, what do you expect. Like Karol and some of the others, she's probably a University student. And the last I checked, that ain't free.
  9. Cutting Elvis' hair in the kitchen. Maybe it's just me, but people doing anything with hair in the kitchen area I find repulsive. Use the f-ing bathroom. (Content No Longer Available)
  10. I see the gals giving, I guess that's Ant, money for bringing viewers to their apartment. See that's how it works kids. So don't be surprised when your fantasies don't play. It's simple Clip bait. Which is fine if they'd actually do something worth wathcing.
  11. It's all about building up the viewership minutes for maximum Euros. Cha Ching! Lead the viewers on and then leave them with Blue Balls. Tune in tomorrow. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.....
  12. I take offense at being called a beer lover....excuse me while I go refill....😋
  13. You and I are on the same page....but I think you're serious....
  14. Yup, maybe having a "hard" Ant will turn Grisha on enough that he can hold a woody. Ant better keep his backside against the wall. 🤣
  15. Looking at the Replay thumbnail, I thought that looked like Tereza riding her stud. Did Wednesday dye her hair darker or am I mistaken?
  16. So why do you keep paying if it's so bad? As long as RLC is getting money, what' their motivation to improve the product.
  17. And some people would complain if they got Hanged with a Used Rope.
  18. So Nelly & Marina on vacation at the same time. If I recall they took a trip together about this time a couple years ago. Maybe a Spring Fling....
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