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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Where is Masha and the new male guest. The female is with Sasha but no Masha and male guest. Is she initiating him into swinging?
  2. I think Nicoles boytoy is still young enough that he is more interested in how much sex he can get instead of a relationship.
  3. Thanks for the translation. Google did not do the translation justice though. But I still got the drift of it.
  4. Nobody called her names. It was said she was lewd and crude for peeing in front of the camera. She was to lazy to walk down to the bathroom in the hall.
  5. Jess is in the bedroom with Irma and laying on the bed. Think they are talking about sex. Irma was laying on Jess and it looked like she tried to kiss her and Jess said no and shook her head. While sitting there Irma then made a kissing gesture and stuck her tongue out in a motion as if eating pussy. Jess shook her head no again. This is all a guess though. Hope to get a translation of this talk latr.
  6. If this was a friend visiting Nicole she would stay a week maybe two and then leave without her name being listed. This is a new girl to replace Michelle that just happens to be Nicole's friend. Nicole probably could not get permission to move to B2 so she came up with this new girl and RLC approved because they had no one else to replace Michelle.
  7. happyone unlike you I am not addicted to sex so much that every site I see with nudity and sex is a porn site. you want to consider it a porn site go ahead. But do not force your addiction on other people by saying they are prudes until you know what you are talking about.
  8. this is a voyeur site not a porn site. just so happens some of the inhabitants think that is what it is.
  9. happyone I could probably show you a few things abiout being lewd and crude you never knew about. I do not hide the fact I do what I want, where I want wherever possible. I am so far from a prude even the devil does not care for me. But I also know what proper behavior is and where it is called for and when being a gentleman is called for.. Peeing in full view of a camera in this type of setting is lewd and crude and is for porn sites in my opinion.
  10. Nicole has her boytoy over. I wonder if she is going to bang him while the other 2 are in the livingroom?
  11. Yes she could be pretending to bate while actually doing nothing.. I never said that she might not be faking. I said that under the covers we do not know if real or pretend bates. no matter what it is, if it is under covers we will never know for sure.
  12. But how do we know if her undercover bating is real or fake? So how could it be bad casting by RLC if no one knows she is faking?
  13. Nicole probably does not want to piss off the girls of B2 by leaving, they would have to pay more for a cab. If she got them mad she would not have another apt. to bale to, for there is no B3 yet
  14. lovely Nora is in the bathroom neked. she gets nice and close to the cam at times. Also has a nice bush started.
  15. Jess looks like she is dressed to impress someone. Maybe then she might be on the hunt for something she would not know what to do with. Possibly Karol.
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