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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. VHouse has better looking apts. and the camera's seem to be better quality. They also keep adding more. VV is about like RLC poor cams and cheap apts.
  2. Naga hoping now that I am back Heddi will go for another go around. Maybe Kristy will decide to try her hand at it. The way she likes to cuddle and stroke the other girls. I know it is a long shot though. I will not pay RLC for replay, they want to much.
  3. Naga no I do not have replay. I know what I missed. Got to stay on topic have already been warned by the topic police. Can't blame him tho because we would lose track on who we were talking about. hoping she tries again tho.
  4. Just had to do it to you Naga. I would not try to steal your girl. At least not to hard. With my sub run out I was getting withdraws
  5. Naga I am back already. After hearing what I missed last nite I decided to go for another month and see what happens. Now we can go back and forth about Jess your girlfriend and Nicole my wife.
  6. Army sniper if the girls acted as chaste as you want them to be they would not make any money on bonus's. Besides Kiko , Nora's husband or boyfriend knows all about RLC and this apt. and knows what has to be done to get bonus'es.
  7. My sub ran out tonight, not sure when of if I will renew. The other apts. are getting awfully boring and predictable on what happens. To much hiding from cams also is going on. Will be checking in from time to time till I decide. Goodnite to all.
  8. European people have a different outlook on nudity and sex then Weatern people do. With the money they are getting they probably feel they are doing better. I do not begrudge these girls anything they do. We do not know what kind of life they come from.
  9. She is suppoedly Nicole's friend who is visiting. But that may not be the case. Nicole may have brought her here just to get the big room in B2.
  10. maybe Irma and Nora had a disareement over Karol. The timing of Irma moving to the other room makes it look like there is more to it. Also Irma may have decided she needs more privacy so she can bate.
  11. It has been said before that Jess may need what she gets from these cam shows. She may not be In a position to have a job paying good money like the rest of the girls. Jess does not look like she really enjoys these shows, but does them anyway.
  12. I will not be watching this friend of Nichole's much. She is hard on the eyes and has to many tatoo's. I think Nicole had her come just to make herself look good. I do not really like tatoo's on a woman but do not mind one or two depending where they are located and not to gaudy.
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