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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Did Angel leave I cannot find her unles she is hiding in the hallway toilet? By the way Naga Nicole said she is going to clean out her pantie drawer. Since she is sharing my room now she does not need that drawer.
  2. Angel looks sad and lonely. I wonder that by being gone if she missed being asked to join the rest of the girls in a nite out?
  3. Must have been just trying on clothes. Twin is now down to her panties and putting on face cream. time is 17:03
  4. Belle is laying on her bed naked as a jaybird. Gina on her bed also neked. Angel is dressed and getting ready to leave. time is 16:59
  5. you really need to keep your mind on where it should be. In Angels bedroom. I think she waits so we think she is sleeping. Then bates to see how many are on thier toes.
  6. Wonder If Angel waits to bate so we think she is asleep or if she bates because she can't sleep? Inquireing minds want to know.
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