Effective Immediately any Comment and/or Quotes made in this Topic Must Pertain to what the Girls do Inside The Apartment Only, Not what They Do on the Outside. Any Discussion on Their Outside Activities must be Done By Private Messaging (PM) if you Feel the Need to Discuss Such a Matter.
Now Now Bud what would make you think you know what Karol is going to do. We all know the black phone is the one her boyfriend uses to text her on. The other phone is the one from RLC. Besides maybe she just likes to bate. That would explain her doing it every nite.
Years ago Stone I dated a girl who's pussy stunk so bad you could not go down on her. No matter whst was done she could not get rid of the smell. Beautiful girl smelly pussy do not go together.
That would explain Stesha and Marco and their guest they other nite. They were getting ready to leave and they all kept piling on more clothes. Stesha had 4 or 5 layers covering her legs. I have never had to put that much on here in the States where I am at. Hint not in the South.
A good morning to you BB. I see Belle Is starting out keeping you glued to the screen. I do not know if that is bad or good for you. But it looks like she may be on the bed for you for awhile. Enjoy.
BB you know that Belle has to tease you for awhile before letting you see the goods. You would not be happy if she came right off showing the lovely goods.
From your post Bud it is obvious you are not old enough to date women. It is not unusual for a woman to dress out of her lovers view. They do not want to give away their secrets of attracting a man. Also it is not unusual for a married woman to dress where her husband cannot see her.
Bud are you trying to say what I think you are trying to say. You know that is not the way to talk to a girl. You have actually talked to a girl haven't you. You need to sweet talk them.
BB Belle has returneth. She is in her best position but still has her dress and panty hose on. Time is 21:07. Seems like something is bothering her. She has lost Avi. Maybe Avi scored and Belle did not.
No but on the blurry thumbs who knows. But I did not see where it looked like they were doing anything last nite. Other than that I have no idea what he may have seen.