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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Not bad a new girl comes into the apt. and thebn does a disappearing trick and leaves the apt. possible for the nite.
  2. Nicole is really playing with fire. Doing anal without protection. Hope he does not go from there to the kitty.
  3. Can't a guy be wrong at least once on the music? Just having a little fun with you Naga. Nothing serious. I did not see the fight so cannot comment on that. I do not care one way or the other with Nicole. There are things I do not agree with that she does, but it is her life and not for me to tell her she is wrong.
  4. Yes Naga but both girls were in the livingroom and left because of the noise. Nicole should have turned it down. But is to inconsiderate
  5. Whether Nicole caused the blackout is here nor there. It is over and done with. RLC will not do a thing about it because Nicole is probably humping the local RLC management team.
  6. West just making a quick check in and then more to get done tonight. I am a ways east of you, like about 2 time zones. It was 7:10 here and had stuff to do. Still do and it is now 9:24. final time nite.
  7. RLC will allow Nicole to stay until her time is up because they probably have no one to replace her with at the moment.
  8. We have a name for guys like him here in the states that runs girls as he says he has. That would explain his lack of respect.
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