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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. If a person did not know any better they would think you really like Angel and want to nibble her bumms
  2. did not say those words in that form. you are now trying to turn everything around and away from your lack of respect. This will be my last post on this subject.
  3. WE have something you know nothing about that is respect for the girls. The girls are trying to earn a living, they do not need you calling them names of any form. If you cannot show respect when talking about the girls then leave.
  4. WE have something you know nothing about that is respect for the girls. The girls are trying to earn a living, they do not need you calling them names of any form. If you cannot show respect when talking about the girls then leave.
  5. WE have something you know nothing about that is respect for the girls. The girls are trying to earn a living, they do not need you calling them names of any form. If you cannot show respect when talking about the girls then leave.
  6. You do not know Irma. Yes she likes to be nude and show off her wares. She also likes to give massages to the girls and more. Being a newbie you also do not know how to read between the lines in what someone says.
  7. Irma is laying on her bed naked with her kitty aimed at the open door. Wonder who she is trying to catch with that bait?
  8. Irma and the twin in black were dancing close and Irma had her arms around her. One hand slid down and Irma cupped the twins kitty in her hand and got a good feel..
  9. I think Nicole told Estelle she was spending to much time with Angel instead of her. Making Estelle feel guilty and have to choose who to spend time with.
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