Well the white mutts floor cushion remains and where TF did they go for the last 30 minutes lol...I bet Jul is next door or something like you guessed lol.
Thanks for confirming, I saw what you saw too but just wanted to check. I remember last year when the white dog disappeared from what felt like about 6 weeks, thought it'd died but then it just reappeared lol.
I don't watch them often but today was a shocker, he truly is a colossal fuckhead. The sad thing is Leora knows this but has stuck with him for 12 years 'and counting' and as you say she most of the time has to finish herself off. If she remains with him because of RLC which is a possibility of course then that's her choice but this also tells me if it's for another reason then she is clearly not the brightest crayon in the box. Paul is more suited with Linda who lives just down the road. T Boner is another useless blockhead for Leo because he sits at his computer every fecking day like Paul does so I think they should do a wife swap.
I'd have more respect for you if you said 'oh shit yea I never realised, thanks'. You clearly don't like being mistaken so you give it the Johnny Big Potatoe. Schmuck is a word, smuck isn't.
Yea I thought the same too, alone and doing this sort of thing. It's all very well doing silly funny things for content but the message I got from this was 'love' in some way or another.