she had it on last month also, but she hasn't been wearing it for a while, until she re-injured it in bed having multiple sex positions, the other day.
BRAVO to her too! :woohoo:
It takes a lot of self confidence to be able to do what she agreed to do here on RLC, there's a lot of smaller women out there that wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. :welcome: Beatriz, and good luck.
It's been awhile since I asked, but I'll try again.
Anyone heard from or see woman in black, from sweeden, on cam on any other site.
She went offline when WW started all their crap and switched to camrads.
loved it when she got the wine box out and the clothes came off, but not totally nude, tastefully done.
A real teaser.
would love to see more pics or vids of her and her dude
I have never seen proof that Maya has ever done anal, pic or vid, so it must not be true. :o
unless someone has proof that they can share, I say she is still anal virgin. 8)
It's good to hear a woman's point of view. ;)
Thanks for giving us a small peek into a woman's train of thought, I know for myself, after 22 yrs of marriage, I still can't figure out what goes on in a Venetian's head. :o
I would like to see her reaction if Paul slipped and shoved it in her arse, maybe she would like it and want a little anal play for our enjoyment.
:o :o 8)
hmm, he must have been ready to blow before she started, I think Paul might have lasted longer than Stepan this time. Now she gets her turn I see, maybe he's going for a second shot that might last longer. :o