I wonder what people think when he goes out? I mean he looks so weird.
I will never understand what she sees in him.
He's been getting so strange in his appearance. And he never was a good dresser or a classy guy.
To each their own, I guess. But if I were a girl, I would let anyone like him or Paul for that matter ever touch me, or kiss me.
I couldn't agree with you more. And the sad truth is that it is this same way for so many young people anymore.
Can you imagine when they are old and possibly near the end of their life, what wondrous memories they will have as they reminisce about how they sat on their couch and played with their phones, or how they sat and watch TV and fucked with their techno toys. 'WOW! What an adventurous couple.
I think she's getting disenchanted with the samurai Bradipus.
He just doesn't spark her the way he used to. Or at least that's my impression.
She wants someone who is confident about who he is, and what he is.
And in my books, I'm not even completely convinced that he's all that interested in girls, but struggles with this in his mind.
I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
Bob Ross,.. "Happy little pussy, and happy little,.. well you know."
Julia Child's,.. "First you must remove the hair from the rabbit and then grease it up really good, before sliding it into the oven."
I think what has her glued to the computer monitor is Bob Ross,.. 'The mastery of Erotic Art'
It's that, or it's Julia Child's,.. 'How to baste and roast a rabbit.'
This is also in the general discussion category, but I'm hoping for a quicker reply from you good folks.
Has anyone else been having trouble connecting to RLC?
For me it's been like trying to jump start an old Harley.
Please let me know.
Concerning Paul not having any talents, I disagree!
I saw him laying motionless without so much as a mussel twitch for hours.
Now that takes lots of practice and discipline!
Is anyone else having a hard time when you attempt to go to RLC of connecting?
For me it's been like trying to jump start an old Harley.
Let me know, so I won't think it's just with my connection somehow.